Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 34

The tears filled her eyes.

“You can’t protect me. I have to protect you.”

“From who?”

She heard the third voice and turned to see Jack standing there. He was dressed nicely. He must have come from Spencer’s.

“Please don’t make me tell you. It’s embarrassing and it will only make leaving worse.”

“Leaving? You’re leaving?” Jack asked, coming into the room, too, and standing next to Mike.

“Eventually I’ll have to,” she said.

“Why?” Jack asked.

She was silent a moment and Mike touched her chin.

“Why?” he asked firmly.

“Because he tried to kill me once, and he might be looking for me to finish the job.” The tears spilled down her cheeks and she stood there staring at their shocked expressions, wondering if she just made a huge mistake, trusting them with this information.

“Marlena, you need to explain all of it to us, so we can help you and protect you. Start with who this guy is, what he did to you, and why you think he’s coming after you?” Mike said to her.

“Let her sit down,” Jack said and helped her to the edge of the bed.

“I think we all need to get comfortable. I don’t expect you to leave anything out. Understand?” Jack asked, looking angry and firm. She nodded her head as she took the seat and clasped her fingers.

“I used to live in Connecticut,” she said and hesitated.

“We know that, and that you don’t have any family. Get to the part about the guy,” Mike said, arms still crossed. Danny and Jack looked at him.

“Don’t get all interrogator, cop mode. Give her a time to get it out,” Danny told his brother.

Marlena swallowed hard and began to explain about being an accountant and working for a company and how she met Peter.

“That’s the dick’s name?” Jack asked.

“Peter what?” Mike asked.

“Why do you have to know?” she asked.

“So we can make sure he doesn’t come anywhere near what’s ours,” Jack said before Mike could.

They looked so upset with her already. How could she tell them what Peter did to her?

“Go on, honey, explain,” Danny said and placed his hand over hers, gave them a squeeze for encouragement, and then pulled back.

“It’s embarrassing,” she said.

“Don’t be embarrassed. Talk to us,” Jack said.

“I want to, but you’re older and more experienced and you’ll think I was so stupid and naive, which I was, but I know better now. I figured it out when it was too late.”

“Figured what out?” Danny asked. She looked at him and held his gaze.

“That Peter was using me for his own purpose. He was showing me off. Making demands on me then putting me down in front of people. He would build me up and make me feel like I was loved and cared for when we were alone but then he became abusive and rough.”

“He hit you?” Jack asked, eyes squinting.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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