Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 43

“It’s protocol, Adele. We’ve been assigned to you,” he said and she looked at Marlena and hugged her.

“Just cooperate. It isn’t a bad thing,” Marlena whispered.

“What for, they were ‘assigned’ to me. Wonderful.”

“I’m sorry,” Marlena whispered and Alicia hugged Adele and then stood by Marlena.

“Well, we should have lots to talk about tomorrow after this,” Alicia teased, and Marlena nodded her head.

“They’re going to be pissed at me. I can’t believe that everyone has been assigned protectors.”

“Not me,” Alicia said and smiled.

“Alicia.” Marlena and Alicia looked up to see the sheriff standing there.

“Can you come with me please?”

“Oh my God, Alicia, the sheriff?” Marlena whispered as she hugged her.

“Help me, Marlena. He’s scary.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re a grown woman. You can handle him.”

“That’s what you think.” Alicia waved good-bye to Mike, Danny, and Jack then met the sheriff by the door.

“We’ll be in touch later on,” the sheriff said as he held the door open for Alicia, who looked scared out of her mind. Her friends might be freaking out about who their assigned protectors were, but Marlena had a feeling all those men had interest in her friends long before today. Maybe something good would come out of this. Maybe her friends would find true love, and men that could truly care for them and love them. Maybe.

* * * *

Mike couldn’t get the images out of his head. Peter Jones was one sick son of a bitch. He tortured and killed his girlfriend then left her for dead. Detective Morgan shared the information they had on Peter so far and about other possible crimes he committed, including the arson at Marlena’s apartment building. He also sent along pictures of the evidence and plans the detectives found in Peter’s apartment in regards to Marlena. Peter was obsessed with her, and obsessed with the fact that she survived the fire and got away. He wanted her dead.

He felt the hands on his shoulders and he gripped them tight, bringing Marlena around and onto his lap. It was an instinctual move. He heard someone approach, smelled her shampoo, and knew it was her.

She gasped and held onto him. Her long blonde hair flowed over his shoulder and he stared into her eyes. She was so beautiful, so sweet, and didn’t deserve the things that monster wanted to do to her.

“Mike?” she whispered and he shook his head, pulled her closer, and kissed her.

That kiss grew deeper, wilder, until she maneuvered over him, straddled his waist, and began to rock her hips.

He ran his hands up under her T-shirt then toward the front and her breasts. He massaged and pulled on her breasts, making her moan into his mouth.

He unclipped the front clasp, pulled from her mouth, and pushed her T-shirt and bra up over her head and off of her. She was now straddling his body, half naked on the back porch of their home. He cupped her breasts and leaned forward to lick the tip of one. She ran her fingers through his hair and continued to rock her hips.

He released the nipples and licked the cleavage to feast on her other breasts. He felt so needy. He wanted to be inside of her, fucking her, making her moan and scream his name.

In the distance the smell of rain approached, the thunder rolled, and lighting struck. The night sky grew darker as the storm rolled in and it matched the same storm brewing inside of his body. He lifted her up to stand and unzipped her jeans, shoving them and her panties down her thighs. She ran her hands along his pectoral muscles then leaned forward to lick a nipple. He undid his own pants, shoved them down, then lifted her up to straddle him. Painstakingly he maneuvered, without tripping, toward the wall. He pressed her hard against it.

“I can’t hold back. I can’t get you to a bed.”

She shook her head.

“Here. Take me right here in the storm, in your arms, against your house. Any way you want me.”

The thunder rolled again and the lightning struck just as he aligned his cock with her wet pussy and thrust upward. They both cried out and he began to thrust his hips, stroke his cock deeper into her cunt as she held on tight.

“More, Mike. I need you. All of you. Harder,” she begged, and he gave her what she asked for. He took what he needed to and thrust hard and fast into her, trying to reach that feeling of satisfaction and ultimate possession. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Her lips seared his neck, his ear, and then his lips.

“I love you, Mike,” she whispered.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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