“Great. When do they start?” Jack asked.
“They should have by now. Maybe we’ll get lucky and it will lead us right to the fucker,” Mike said, and Danny and Jack agreed then talked a little more about tomorrow and how they would protect their woman from this monster.
* * * *
Marlena threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top. She lay down on the bed after drying her hair. She needed time to think, and to process what was happening here.
As she closed her eyes and thought about her men. She felt how much she adored them and just wanted to get lost in their arms, with the three of them making love to her together and making her feel complete and finally loved.
The past wasn’t quite behind her. Sure she made mistakes. Hell, she was paying for the biggest mistake right now. Falling for Peter, a man who manipulated her mind, controlled her every move, and eventually tried to kill her. Now he was back. Searching, possibly in this town. A town she had grown to love, to appreciate, and wanted to remain in. Her heart felt heavy. Especially thinking that she was placing so many other people in danger because of her. It wasn’t right.
But she loved it in Chance. She loved Mike, Danny, and Jack so much. They showed her what love really was and she wanted to learn more and explore more with them. She never thought about having children with Peter. It was like she knew deep down that he didn’t love her like that. He obsessed over her like a possession. But with Mike, Danny, and Jack, she wanted to have children. She wanted to share that bond, God’s creation with all their qualities combined. She didn’t care how it worked. She’d love them and honor them and be the best wife they could ever ask for. She could have it all.
She felt the gentle breeze caress through the open window. It was a warm summer night, and normally she would have sat on her back porch at her cottage and enjoyed the quietness. But tonight she sensed something different, something that had her opening her eyes and feeling scared to be alone. It was on the tip of the breeze that caressed her body as it snuck through the opening in the window. It put her on edge. It made her feel a fight in her she hadn’t felt before. Was she being protective of her new lovers, the men she adored with all her heart? How could she protect them?
She sat up, listened carefully, barely hearing the sounds of anything but the breeze as it caused the curtain to flap against the window sill.
It was quiet. Too quiet, and she suddenly longed for the touch from her men. The protective shell they seemed to wrap her in whenever they were near.
She placed her feet on the floor and felt her heart begin to race. She wanted her men. She needed them. They would protect her, make her feel safe and loved, and she couldn’t stand to be away.
As she began to stand, she heard the creak on the floor and went to turn, shocked at the sudden sound, but it was too late. The hand went over her mouth, the hard, fierce fingers dug deep, gripped her hair, and pulled her backward. She struggled but a moment as her eyes locked onto Peter’s. He looked wild, sadistic as she kicked her legs and scratched at his face.
He straddled her on the bed.
“I’ll kill them. I have the house rigged with explosives. I’ll burn them to death while we watch from afar. Do you understand me?”
She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. He was so heavy and hard against her chest as he covered her body. She nodded.
“You cooperate, and they’ll live. Unless you want them to die along with you?” he asked, teeth clenched, his spittle hitting her lips. She was disgusted, scared, sick with fear. She nodded. She would do anything to protect Mike, Jack, and Danny. She had to do this. It wasn’t right for them to get hurt or die because of her.
“Get up, and do as I say.”
He eased off of her, but his hold was firm. He immediately wrapped a bandana around her mouth and tied it tight so she couldn’t scream for help or make the men aware of his presence. Obviously they hadn’t set the alarms yet. They did that at night before they went to bed. Her men were right down stairs and she couldn’t call to them. She wouldn’t let Peter hurt them. She knew what he was capable of. She needed to do something, but she couldn’t allow him to hurt them. She obeyed his command, especially as he pulled the knife from his hip and held it to her throat.
“Not a sound,” he whispered.
She never saw it coming. She didn’t know what he did, but she felt the pinch to her neck and she reached up to cover the spot. She looked at him, eyes wide, and saw the expression of pleasure, or accomplishment, as her vision blurred and her body went limp. Darkness overtook her. He won. She was as good as dead.
* * * *
“What did you just say?” Mike said into his cell phone as him and his brothers prepared dinner. Danny was heading upstairs to wake Marlena.
He placed the phone on speaker.
“The dogs caught a scent. We’ve been traveling through the woods. He’s somewhere on your property. We’ve pulled them back and we’re on the outskirts,” Taylor told him.
“Danny, get Marlena. We’ll bring her to the basement and protect her from there,” he called to his brother.
“Hold them back, Taylor. We don’t want to spook him. If he’s going to try and break in to get her we need to be ready,” Mike said and nodded toward Jack. Jack went to the cabinet on the wall that looked like a bookcase. He pressed on the button to the side and the bookshelf began to move. Jack started pulling guns from the shelves.
“Mike! Mike! She’s gone. There’s a needle on the bed. I think he got her. Oh God! I think Peter has her,” Danny yelled.
“What?” Jack yelled out and he ran up the stairs behind Mike.
; “What is it? What’s wrong?” Taylor asked, still on speakerphone.