Dare to Trust (The Dare 1) - Page 57

But then she reached to the side and worked Danny’s cock over his jeans. He unzipped them and whipped out the thick hard muscle and she slowly released Jack’s cock and then took Danny’s into her mouth.

She suckled back and forth between them as both men allowed her to pleasure them one after the other.

“Oh sweet Jesus, baby. You’re hired,” Jack said, and Danny and Mike chuckled.

Marlena smiled to herself. She loved them so much. She would give them the world if she had that capability. But for now, she would love them with all her heart and treasure every waking moment they shared.

She finally learned to trust again, and with that trust she gave her heart and soul to Jack, Danny, and Mike. Her lovers, her best friends, her destiny in a town called Chance.


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
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