Dare to Love (The Dare 4) - Page 54

He brushed the hair from her cheeks and then tilted her chin to the side.

“The stitches are healing well. Dr. Anders knows a great plastic surgeon who can make sure there isn’t any scarring,” he said, and she swallowed hard.

“I want to get up and maybe walk around a little.”

“Honey, you just took a bath a few hours ago. That’s a lot in one day.”

“No it isn’t. You’re babying me and I’m getting tired of it.”

“Really?” she heard Kurt’s voice and saw him standing in the doorway. She felt the sense of intimidation but desire overruled it. Her face burned.

“Where’s Warner?”

“He’s around,” Kurt said and she wondered if her were lying to her. She had freaked out when they said he wasn’t there when she first awoke in the hospital. Then, every day, she insisted they were nearby or she felt scared. It was silly, but she didn’t want them taking any chances of getting hurt or worse killed. Maybe it was because she didn’t know the intensity of their jobs before, but now was different. They were her men, her lovers, and she wanted to be with them forever.

“I want to see him,” she said and then shoved down the sheets. She was only wearing a shirt. Taylor’s deputy T-shirt. She felt the funny sensation after getting up too quickly and Kurt cursed.

“Easy, baby, damn it to hell. You can’t be jumping around jerking your head like that. You’re still recovering.”

“I’m fine, Kurt. I need to move around or the aches and pains will be from nonuse and stiffness,” she said, feeling a little better being up like this.

Kurt helped her and she pushed his hand away. He placed his hands on his hips.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she replied with attitude.

She went to walk passed him.

“It doesn’t sound like nothing.” She jerked her head up to see Warner standing in the doorway, wearing only his jeans and no shirt. Her pussy clenched and she licked her lips.

“Someone in a bad mood?” he said to her. She crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“Where were you?” she asked. He raised one of his eyebrows at her and stepped closer.

“Around,” he replied.

She released an annoyed sigh. “So this is how it’s going to be? I’m on a need-to-know basis with everything. Because I’m sick of it. I accepted you and Kurt not telling me about everything that went down and whether you knew that Nicolai character or not. I accepted you telling me that I can’t ask questions about your pasts, your jobs, and your capabilities. Fine. But when I want to know where my men are I don’t expect to hear the word around. You got it?” she asked, raising her voice as her eyes filled with tears and her emotions got the better of her. She was scared. She was fragile in so many ways from the traumatic experience but mostly she was affected by the fact she finally let her guard down and learned to love these three men.

In a flash Warner was across the room and pulling her into his arms.

He lifted her up and pressed her up against the wall.

He cupped her cheeks and held her gaze.

“Taylor, Kurt, grab the lube and get everything ready. Our woman is getting a spanking and then she’s going to get some loving the way our woman deserves.”

He covered her mouth and kissed her and in no time at all she didn’t remember why she’d gotten so mad at them, but only how much she loved them and needed them in her life forever. She dared to love them and would do so for the rest of her life, and they loved her back. Nothing else in the world mattered to her more than having the love and the protection of Taylor, Kurt, and Warner Dawn. Her men, her lovers, her rescuers, and her partners for life.

Then she felt that little bit of defiance vibrate within her as Warner placed her onto Taylor as he held his cock, waiting for her to ride him.

She took off her shirt and tossed it to the floor then rubbed her hands together.

“Finally you understand exactly what I want. The three of you inside of me,” she said.

“Mercedes.” The three of them said her name in warning and she giggled as they all touched her together, then loved her together. That was all she ever really wanted.


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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