Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline (The Dare 5) - Page 6

“Always, brother. Always.” He drew him in for a hug and a back slap then pulled back.

“Let me get you home. You can’t be stumbling into roll call intoxicated,” Curtis told him and then started walking.

“One more beer, brother, to seal the deal,” he said and smiled.

“One more beer,” one of their friends yelled out and everyone started roaring. Curtis couldn’t help but to smirk and shake his head as beers were immediately handed to him and Cameron. It was going to be a long fucking night. He should be happy because these were good friends and good times. Curtis wasn’t. He felt guilty and he just didn’t feel right about finding Caroline, but Cameron was his friend and he owed him. He just hoped when he found Caroline and told Cameron that his buddy didn’t immediately go after her. Hopefully she was smart enough to take precautions and disappear to a place where no one would ever find her again.

* * * *

“Why didn’t you tell me about the arm?” Shelby asked Caroline as she started making breakfast. She couldn’t stop thinking about it last night. As soon as she saw her sister and that black cast, she wanted answers, but Caroline just seemed to need her hugs and her confirmation that Chance was a safe haven for her.

“I didn’t want you to worry more and then to drive or fly up north to meet me.”

“Why not?” Shelby asked as she took the last piece of bacon out of the frying pan and placed it onto a plate.

“Because of the plan. I couldn’t take the chance of someone seeing you and me together. You’ve hid out for so long. I wouldn’t let you risk everything just to be there for me to lean on. Besides, I needed to do this, and see it through.”

“But does Cameron know I exist?”

“He thinks we’re estranged, and hasn’t a clue where you live.”

“Well that was believable because you kept blowing me off over him.”

“Like I need that shoved in my face now, Shelby?”

She walked over to the table and placed the plate of eggs and bacon in front of Caroline and then went back for her plate.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it to sound that way. I was so worried.”

“Exactly. So you would have worried more.”

Shelby took a seat next to her sister and then reached out and touched the cast lightly.

She looked at her and wanted to know what he did to Caroline.

“Don’t ask. You know as well as I do what an abusive, controlling man is capable of. There’s no need to describe it when you’ve felt it firsthand.”

She nodded and they began to eat.

“So tell me more about this town and the possible jobs I can get.”

“Well, you’ll want to lay low for a bit. I talked to my friends and the consensus is waitressing, bartending, working in a local clothing store, or the bakery. You want to learn about the rules first.”

“Rules?” Caroline asked and Shelby took a deep breath.

“This town is different, Caroline. Besides the fact that it’s small, and close-knit, the sheriff and those in charge have rules to keep the citizens safe.”

“Like patrols and stuff?” she asked as she took a bite of a forkful of eggs.

“Well, yes, security is great but you see everyone watches out for everyone, especially the women. Whether single or taken, all the men are kind of in charge of security and safety for us.”

“What are you getting at and what do you mean by in charge?” Caroline asked.

“There are some different types of relationships that are acceptable in a lot of towns, Chance being one of them. You see, a woman can be claimed or rather men can share a woman, take care of her and provide for her.”

“Excuse me?”

“Damn, I’m not explaining this right. Have you heard of a ménage relationship?”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025