Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline (The Dare 5) - Page 9

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” he replied back to C.J.

“You keep glancing at mom’s place. You going in to see her?”

“Nah, just thought I saw someone I knew go in there a little bit ago.”

“Well, do you want to go check?”

“Nah. Did you eat lunch yet?”

“Heading to Rita’s now,” C.J. replied.

“Great. I’ll take my lunch now.”

They headed down the street and he couldn’t help but look back that way again. His brother caught him and looked at him strangely. “Good thing there are window seats left at the diner. That way you can keep looking for whomever it is you’re looking for to come out of mamma’s boutique.”

York gave his brother an annoyed expression as they entered the diner. Sure enough there was a seat opened and he couldn’t help but to wonder what C.J. might think of Natalie when he saw her. Would he like you, too? He had a funny feeling in his gut. The three of them were not as close as they used to be and mostly because Hunter kept his distance and space. He had a lot of issues and was readjusting to living in Chance and never returning to the service. He still kept busy on the computer and doing shit for the government. They didn’t know what he did, but he seemed content.

York stared at the menu even though he knew what was on it.

Then he heard his brother’s low whistle. “Wow, so that was what caught your interest,” C.J. said as he leaned closer to the window and stared. York looked, too, and sure enough, there was Natalie and Shelby.

C.J. didn’t take his eyes off of her.

“Tell me you met her and know who she is?”

York explained as Sheriff Gordon walked out of the department and greeted them. His gut clenched again. He didn’t know why, but his instincts were never wrong.

* * * *

“It’s so nice to have met you, Caroline. It would be wonderful if you were interested in the store clerk’s position.”

Caroline shook her hand and smiled. “Thank you. I definitely would be.”

Her sister stepped closer and looked around them to be sure no one was in earshot. The clothing boutique was pretty big and there were people browsing through the racks.

“The thing is, my sister had a little situation from where she lived and is trying to recoup and restart. I

s there any way you would be willing to pay her off the books, for a little while anyway?” Shelby asked Martha.

The woman scrunched her eyes together, looked at Caroline’s cast, and Caroline shyly looked down, feeling embarrassed. Then Martha tapped her hand and whispered, “No problem at all. We’ll work it out. I’d be happy to help her get a new start and put the past behind her.” She winked, and Caroline was shocked. It was as if the woman understood their need for secrecy and like it was no big deal.

“Thanks so much, Martha.”

“Yes, thank you, and you won’t be sorry. I’ll be here first thing Monday morning,” Caroline said and Martha winked. “Great.”

Caroline held onto Shelby’s arm as they exited the store. “You don’t think she’ll tell anyone do you?”

Shelby smiled. “No way, but I swear, even if she did, you’d have nothing to worry about. You’ve done nothing wrong. Remember that and also what a wonderful town Chance is.” They were smiling and then heard someone clear their throat. Caroline looked up and stopped short. Shelby seemed surprised but then quickly smiled. “Hello, Sheriff Gordon. How are you?” she asked and Caroline released Shelby’s arm and stood straight. The sheriff was a big guy and very rugged and handsome. What was with all the attractive men around here?

She casually moved her cast behind her.

“How are you, Shelby? Enjoying the day?” he asked and looked at Caroline.

“Oh yes, just giving my sister the tour.”

“Your sister?” he questioned and looked her over.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025