Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline (The Dare 5) - Page 12

“I suppose so. I’d better go join my sister.”

“Oh, did you grab a new spare tire, just in case?” York asked and C.J. watched her response.

“Not yet. Tuesday afternoon.”

“Good. We’ll see you around then.”

She nodded and looked at C.J., who winked and gave her a smile. “It was a pleasure meeting you. See you soon,” C.J. said and she walked away and could feel them staring at her as she walked.

When she got to the small table to the side, her sister was smiling wide and looking over her shoulder.

“Hot damn, sis, you snagged the attention of two very fine, very available men and you’ve been in town less than an hour.”

“What? No, they were just being friendly, like the rest of the people we met so far today,” Caroline said and fixed her place setting then looked at her sister. Shelby looked serious.

“Caroline, I told you that this place is special. For so many reasons. Fate steps in sometimes and makes things happen.”

“What are you talking about?”

Shelby leaned closer. She looked at Caroline and then exhaled.

“You’re my sister, and I love you. I know it’s hard right now to imagine having a life, a new one and with no abuse or danger, but it will happen. You are a gorgeous woman. You’re young, sweet, and kind, and one day another man will come along and make you feel special and the way you deserve to feel. Don’t let the past, let what Cameron did, dictate your future. Then you’re giving him even more power over you than he originally had.”

Caroline processed her sister’s words. She wasn’t ready for another man, another relationship, or to even think of trusting another human being aside from Shelby. Her comment put her on the defensive because everything that happened was still raw and real.

“And what about you? Have you moved on? Are you considering dating again?”

Shelby shook her head. “Maybe one day I will, but right now, I can’t see it.”

“Well then. Don’t push me into getting there faster. You as well as anyone should realize that getting involved with another man or getting close to anyone can make more complications than necessary when, not if, I need to hightail it outta here.”

Shelby’s eyes widened. “He won’t chase you down. If he did, you’re safest here with men like C.J. and York around.”

“To me right now there’s no such thing as safe. Let’s just leave it at that and enjoy our lunch and the rest of the day.”

Shelby nodded and then looked past Caroline.

“They’re heading out,” she told her and Caroline didn’t even turn to look.

“Good. Let’s order some food.”

* * * *

“So what do you think?” C.J. asked York as they headed out of Rita’s and over to York’s patrol car.

“About what?” he asked.

C.J. gave his brother’s arm a nudge.

“About Caroline and her broken arm.”

“It’s bullshit. She was totally lying and couldn’t even keep eye contact with us,” York said with concern.

“I know. I hope she’s not in trouble or something.”

“Well, there isn’t much we can do. Shelby knows the rules of town.”

C.J. squinted his eyes at York. He could tell his brother seemed annoyed. He was giving him an attitude and trying to leave without talking more.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025