Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline (The Dare 5) - Page 18

Martha clasped her hands in front of her and looked a little emotional.

“I know he’s a big man, but you two seemed to get along fine. Usually he’s not in here for more than a few minutes and the few times he was here, he left empty-handed.”

Caroline nodded and gave a soft smile.

“My son has been through a lot. He was a soldier and only retired recently.”

Caroline looked up, surprised by the information. That would explain the hardness about him and also her feeling that he was holding back. Maybe he was just being guarded, kind of like she was.

“That’s very honorable of him.”

“My husbands and I are proud of Hunter as well as our other two sons.”

“Husbands?” she asked.

Martha smiled. “I assumed your sister told you about how things work around Chance.”

“Oh, yes, she mentioned the ménage relationships. I guess I’ll need to get used to that terminology and seeing people engaged in them,” she said and had a funny sensation in her core.

“It’s a very special kind of relationship. It’s not for everyone, either.”

“I’m sure it isn’t.”

“How about you? Are you seeing anyone? I noticed a few different men come by here more often since you started working here. Colby and his brother Phoenix just a little while ago.”

Caroline felt her cheeks warm.

“I’m not seeing anyone and not interested in dating.”

“Well I’m certain that will change when the right man or men come along.”

“I don’t think so.”

Martha fixed one of the shirts on the rack and looked at Caroline.

“You don’t have to tell me what happened, but it’s just that you get this look in your eyes every now and then when the store is quiet. You seem so sad and scared, and I can’t help but think between your broken arm, the need to be paid cash, and your reaction to men that some man hurt you.”

Caroline widened her eyes and looked around them. There was one woman in the store way at the back looking at purses and wallets.

“Nope, just being cautious,” she said but felt her whole body give up on the words as they exited her lips. Martha was so nice and she was willing to pay her off the books, no questions asked. Shelby said Martha could be trusted.

“I don’t want to lie to you, but I think it’s better if you don’t know anything.”

“Sweetie, Chance is an amazing town filled with caring and compassionate people. We have rules and we have safeguards for everyone living here and especially women. You don’t need to be afraid. The sheriff is a good man, and he’s trustworthy. Even if you have a secret and don’t want anyone to know about it, you can confide in him. He’ll do what’s necessary to keep you safe.”

Caroline felt her sincerity, but what she was saying, or maybe suggesting, wasn’t so easy to comply with.

“I’m good right now, Martha, but I appreciate the information. I met him and he did seem very nice.”

Martha smiled. She reached out and gave Caroline’s arm a little squeeze. “I’m here for you, too. Remember that.”

Caroline smiled and then watched Martha walk over to help the lady shopping for bags. She thought about what she asked her and about how the conversation started. She hoped that Martha wasn’t thinking that Hunter would be a good guy to fix her up with or something. That would totally freak Caroline out. She swallowed hard. If anything, learning he was some capable, well-trained soldier made him an even bigger no-no in getting to know or even be friends with. Men like him could do some serious damage to a woman like Caroline. No thank you.

* * * *

“Come on, Caroline. It will be fun. Spencer’s tonight then the beach tomorrow,” Shelby said as she stood by the table in the kitchen.

“I don’t want to. I don’t need to socialize with anyone.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025