Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline (The Dare 5) - Page 29

“How are you, Caroline?” she asked.

“I’m good, and you?” she replied. Eliza looked at C.J. and York and smiled.

“Really good. I see you have your own personal escorts today. I saw Phoenix and his brothers a few minutes ago and they were looking for you.”

“For me?” Caroline asked and then looked at York and C.J. Both men placed a hand at her waist on either side.

“Why?” York asked Eliza.

“I think the same reason you two were looking for her. To be her personal escorts,” Eliza Grace said and winked at Caroline. Caroline felt her cheeks warm and Eliza Grace touched her hand. “I need to get going, but I wanted to be sure you were okay?” she said and held her gaze. Caroline nodded her head and was touched by the woman’s need to ensure Caroline was safe. She had a feeling that Eliza knew Caroline was scared and had been in an abusive relationship. She waved good-bye and Caroline took that opportunity to step away from C.J. and York. When she did, she walked into Hunter.

* * * *

Hunter caught Caroline by her shoulders as she turned from his brothers and Eliza. She gasped and stepped back only for York to place his hands on her hips from behind. She was caught between them and suddenly nothing else seemed to matter but this intense attraction to Caroline.

“I was looking for you guys,” Hunter said.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bump into you,” she whispered and stepped from between them. He looked at C.J. and York, who watched Caroline but kept their space now that she moved away from them.

“We bumped into Caroline and are going to try that peach cobbler ice cream Macy makes,” C.J. told him. Hunter looked at Caroline, who seemed a little unsure.

“That’s great. Come on and I’ll join you, too,” Hunter said and they walked to the area where Macy had her booth setup. A few minutes later they all headed toward the set of benches in the gazebo that was empty.

“What are you doing here anyway?” York asked Hunter.

“I was looking to buy some of Mrs. Murphy’s zucchini bread, but I see you guys hit her up already,” he added, looking at the bags.

“We sure did and especially after she reprimanded C.J. for not doing his job,” York teased and gave Caroline a wink.

She gave a soft smile and then took a spoonful of ice cream. “Oh my God, this is incredible,” she said and took another spoonful and closed her eyes and moaned softly. He didn’t know why but she looked so sexy, and that sound made him think of the things he could do to her to have her purr like that over him.

“Told you, beautiful,” York said to her and she opened her eyes and gave a smile.

“You were right. I guess it’s always smart to take the local’s word,” she added, but when she took another spoonful a drop of ice cream hit her lip. Before Hunter could move, York did. He used his thumb to wipe along her lower lip and she stared up at him in shock.

“You missed a little, and if I thought you’d let me, I’d kiss it away.” She lowered her eyes and released her chin and he smiled then went back to eating his ice cream.

Then C.J. started telling Caroline all about the different events the town put on throughout the year and during the seasons and soon she was asking questions and chatting away. It wasn’t until they started walking around again that she closed up and then made an excuse to leave.

As they failed at getting her to spend more time with them, they watched her disappear through the crowd and felt the immediate loss of her presence. “Well, that went better than I thought it would,” C.J. said.

“I think so, too,” York added.

“It’s a step in the right direction. She needs to learn that we care and will be friends first if need be. That should help her to trust us. I think that’s the hardest part right now, but she’s warming up,” Hunter said.

“Yes, she no longer shudders at our touch,” C.J. said, looking both relieved and hurt.

“It will come with time. She’s special, and we’ve got all the time in the world,” York said.

“Speak for yourself, man. Being that close to her, smelling that perfume and not being able to lean closer is tough.”

“Hearing her sweet laughter, and not being able to kiss her, hold her close, and really get to know her is pure fucking torture,” C.J. said, and Hunter and York mumbled in agreement.

“That it is. How about a beer?” York suggested. They all agreed and then headed to a food and beer booth to grab a cold one.

* * * *

“So you want to show up at the doctor’s office for her appointment and tell her that you’re there for moral support? Don’t you think she’ll flip out and maybe be more scared of us?” York asked Hunter.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025