Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline (The Dare 5) - Page 37

“Hmm, maybe a little make out session and then lunch?” he asked and she giggled as he sniffed and kissed her neck, tickling her before he moved to her lips and kissed her deeply. It upset him that she was so timid around those men, but more so that he scared her and she reacted by covering her face and turning as if ready to receive a strike from him. That just didn’t sit right at all with him. That was something he and his brothers needed to help her with. He knew in that moment that he cared for her even more, and would do everything in his power to protect her and keep her safe. Everything.

Chapter 7

C.J. picked Caroline up after work and brought her back to their house. He was feeling concerned, overprotective, and a little uncertain after Hunter explained what happened at the park and her reaction to him. It seemed she really was still living with fear that all men were abusive and could strike at any time. That wasn’t right. It angered him and he thought about the best way to approach this and to build her confidence and take away her fears. As he discussed it with his brothers, they decided to do their best to encourage her, to help her to see that she was no longer a victim, wasn’t weak, or easily overpowered. They needed to do it in a way that wasn’t controlling, commanding, or made to make her feel like they were trying to change her. It was tough, but she was worth it. They already cared so much about Caroline.

When they arrived at the house, Hunter was cooking dinner and York was working but due home soon. As they gathered in the kitchen talking, C.J. watched Caroline. He took in the sight of her as she stood by Hunter, helping him slice up vegetables. She looked sexy as usual in the knee-length beige skirt that hugged her hips and the pink camisole that showed off her curvy figure. She was well endowed for such a petite woman. Watching her, seeing how tiny she was compared to Hunter made him feel very protective. Especially knowing that other men were trying to hit on her and stake a claim. Hunter also mentioned that one of the guys touched her hair and she didn’t press his hand away but lowered her eyes and her head in retreat and submission. That wasn’t going to happen again.

He worried about her and although she had come a long way in the last month trusting them, opening up about her fears and what made her nervous or uptight, he wondered if he could help her feel more confident.

“Hey, Caroline, do you know any self-defense moves?” he asked her.

“Me? No, why?”

“Oh I was just thinking that sometimes when people learn some self-defense moves it boosts their confidence and also lessens their own fears. Would you like to learn some?” he asked.

She looked up at Hunter. “Go ahead. I’ll be in in a minute,” he told her and she smiled.

C.J. headed into the living room. He took off his shoes and Caroline followed by slipping off her heels.

“Okay, so what do you do if someone comes charging at you like this?” he asked and stepped toward her. She covered her face, turned sideways, and went stiff.

He caressed her arms. “Not exactly. You should react with a countermove or stance to show that you’re not intimidated.”

“But I probably would be.”

“No, don’t have that attitude. Be assertive and strong. Believe in yourself.”

She nodded. “Okay,” she said and he did it again. Each time he came at her, she did something different but ultimately it was a defensive move.

But as they went over a few more, he couldn’t resist teasing her, slapping her ass, brushing his thumb along her nipple and finally tackling her to the rug.

“C.J.,” she scolded when he had her on her back, her legs straddling him and her wrists above her head. By using one hand to keep her arms in place, he used the other one to tickle her. She screamed and laughed and wiggled so he lowered down over her and suckled her neck, tickling her even more.

“What is going on in here?” Hunter asked and York joined him. He was pulling off his tie and undoing the uniform shirt.

“Help me, Hunter. He isn’t playing fair.”

“Oh really,” C.J. said and then suckled her neck and trailed his mouth deeper to her cleavage. He swirled his tongue into her bra and she gasped. Suddenly they locked gazes. “Feel good?” he whispered, feeling his cock harden. Caroline had to feel it to in this position.


He slowly released her arms, letting his hands slide down from her palms, over her arms that she kept above her head, and to her breasts. He leaned down and kissed her lips and she ran her fingers through his hair. They explored one another’s mouths. They moaned and rocked their hips and then he ran his hand under her skirt along her thigh. He squeezed her ass cheek and shifted over her one thigh before maneuvering his fingers between her legs.

“Open for me, Caroline,” he said against her lips. She was breathing rapidly, her lips full and wet, her eyes holding his. Slowly she opened and he wanted to scream for joy. He pressed fingers under her panties and against her mound.

“C.J.,” she moaned and tilted her head back.

He found her clit and played with it, stroking over it as York joined them on the rug.

“I missed you, baby,” he said to her.

She smiled at him. “I missed you, too,” she said. Her eyes welled up with tears. She looked so beautiful.

“I love coming home to you like this, in my brother’s arms, him exploring your body. Do you like it?” he asked.


“Good,” Hunter said and kissed her lips.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025