Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 9

She felt the instant fear at being touched and he held her gaze. Luther was older. Closer to her cousin Kenneth’s age, about thirty-six or so.

She lowered her eyes and he released her chin. He looked her over and smiled.

“How about I buy you a drink and we talk about schedules?”

She looked up, feeling shocked. “Schedules?”

He smiled and then placed his arm over her shoulder and guided her down the hallway and to the main area of the bar. “Sure thing, Eliza Grace. I’m going to put you in the schedule with the band. Hank already insisted on at least two sets a night, starting this Friday.” Her eyes widened and she couldn’t help but feel excited.

“Oh, and we need to talk about your pay. I’d say you’ll be singing full time within the month.”

“Wait a minute,” she said as they reached the bar. He ordered two drinks. A beer for him and a Malibu Bay Breeze for her. She hadn’t wanted to do this full time. She only wanted to give it a try and maybe sing on stage here and there.

“I’m not certain I can commit to a schedule, Luther,” she said and he handed her the drink and squinted his eyes at her.

“Don’t get scared or feel overwhelmed. I know you have the modeling job with the boutiques.”

“Yes, and that’s my full source of income right now. I can’t lose hours or pull out from the commitment I’ve made to Clarissa.”

He smiled softly.

“I understand that. I know Clarissa well.”

She was surprised. But then again, she really didn’t know Luther well at all.

“To your success and to making you more money, while making me more money,” Luther said and clinked their glasses together.

She was still concerned but then Luther gave her shoulder a little nudge. He licked his lower lip as he looked down into her eyes. She felt that bit of fear, an awareness that she needed to keep her distance and make this situatio

n all professional.

“I’ll work it out with Clarissa so you won’t lose any opportunities of work. We’ll plan your schedule as you feel comfortable. Okay?”

She nodded her head and then took a sip from the drink.

“So, what would you feel comfortable with? Maybe twice a week, Wednesdays and Friday nights, two sets each?” he pushed and she felt so sick to her stomach. She really hadn’t anticipated such a reaction to her singing. She was just trying to set some goals to achieve to build up her confidence, not decide on a lifelong career of singing in bars. Plus she really enjoyed modeling. It was just her, the photographer and the camera. She got lost in her role and in creating the scene the photographer or designer wanted to portray with her as the model. It was simple and it paid well.

“I’m not sure, Luther,” she said, lowering her eyes.

“My God, you’re so shy. But when you get up on that stage you shine. People are going to fall in love with your voice. I can really use your talent and bring in the younger crowds this summer. They can relate to you because you’re young, look barely twenty-one, yet sexy and classy. It’s hard to describe. Jeesh, listen to me carry on. I’m making you even more nervous,” he said and then took a sip from his drink.

I don’t even look twenty-one? God, no wonder Parker and his brothers want nothing to do with me. That thought surprised her. Why was she still thinking about them? It was obviously a lost cause. Then she felt guilty. She knew if Tazer or any of them saw her here they would flip. Hell, they were going to flip when they saw the calendar. She wasn’t ready for that confrontation. They weren’t the bosses of her and that was final. She wouldn’t be led along with their little touches and overprotective comments. What did they want her to do? Follow them around and beg for their true attention and a commitment? Hell no. She couldn’t handle that even if they did change their minds and like her that way. Jeesh. I need to focus. If she did start singing here twice a week she was going to have to do some major lying. But only to the Hayes brothers. She would tell her father exactly what she was up to.

As she looked around the bar and dance floor, seeing the crowds of people and then the band playing another song, she caught sight of three men sitting at a corner table watching her. The moment her eyes locked on the one in the center with the dark dress shirt and hard expression, she looked away. Holy shit. It was the guy from the boutique that was talking to Clarissa. She would recognize him anywhere. Instantly she had a bad feeling in her gut, and it was another reminder of why she had put off trying to achieve this goal of singing on stage and performing. Maybe she wasn’t cut out to be in the spotlight after all?

She took another sip from her drink and started to feel even more nervous. She didn’t like the men looking at her. She wondered if even Luther was hitting on her as he placed his arm around the back of her chair and continued to try and convince her that the job wouldn’t interfere with her modeling and that she could work in the time to practice with the band on Sunday mornings and Monday nights when Luther’s was closed. This was exactly the type of feeling that had her not taking chances and remaining unadventurous and closed up. Hadn’t she told Missy Ann how tired she was of feeling so shy and scared? Maybe if she accepted this little job of singing on stage two nights a week then maybe she would build up her self-confidence and feel more mature, more experienced and capable of handling life.

“What do you say, beautiful? Want to make some money together?” he asked her and held her gaze as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. She felt that deep fearful feeling and damn it, she was tired of being scared, of giving in to all the fearful thoughts. What could possibly go wrong by working here at Luther’s singing two nights a week?

“Okay, let’s give it a try.”

He smiled wide. “That’s my girl. I’ll draw up some papers and we’ll set a salary for you. Do you want to get paid once a week or every other week?”

“Whatever you normally do is fine with me.”

He looked her over and smiled.

“This is going to work out great.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025