Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 16

She thought about that a moment. She could do this. She could handle the four Hayes brothers and totally get through tonight without any further problems.

As they exited the door, there stood Tazer and Lynch.

“You didn’t need to wait for us,” she said to them as Missy Ann hurried ahead of them.

“We thought otherwise,” Tazer said to her and pressed his hand to her lower back as he guided her from the hallway.

She stepped aside. His hand was huge against her lower back and he towered over her. Why Tazer and even Lynch made her feel so immature, fragile and not old enough for them she didn’t know. But they were beyond intimidating to her. She felt her body shaking and had that sensation again in her gut. The fear of what all men young or old were capable of. She felt inferior, sort of out of control whenever one of the Hayes brothers was close. Tonight, with each of them acting so possessive and as if they were her private bodyguards, she felt more frazzled. She stopped short and turned toward Tazer. She had to tilt her head way back to look at him and when she did, she caught herself taking a retreating step. He was hard. From his firm, muscular jaw to the way his dark, almost black eyes bored into hers. His shoulders were pulled back and his arms at his sides but he looked pumped, ready for action, to make a move, to attack. He looked over her lips and she felt it. She freaking felt the enticing glance and parted her lips. But before she could tell him anything she thought of, like I don’t need you this close to me, protecting me, guarding me, he reached out, took her hand and pulled her back toward the hallway.


followed. She thought he did, but now her heart was racing and she tried keeping up with his long strides in the high heels she wore when he pushed open the back door and then pulled her into his arms and against the wall.

“Oh.” She gasped as she gripped his waist when he cupped her cheeks. “Enough of the bullshit,” he said in a deep, angry, sexy tone that had her gasping just as he covered her mouth and kissed her. It was craziness. Pure, raw sexual craziness she never experienced before or even heard of.

He devoured her moans, crushed his body to hers, validating his control and also the difference in their size and capabilities. She couldn’t resist his control, his strength, his power or the possessive way he kissed her and caressed her body. She didn’t want to. Her body reacted without thought, without reservation as she kissed him back, ran her hands up his back as he pulled her away from the wall and grabbed her ass. His hands felt incredibly good, hard, commanding as he squeezed and caressed her ass while he pumped his hips against her and kissed her even deeper. When his mouth left hers to kiss along her jaw, her neck and then lower she gasped, panted and lost complete focus of where they were and what he was doing to her.

As his tongue lapped against the cleavage of her tank top then lowered, she looked down to see his mouth and tongue working into the cup of her bra then pushing the strapless bra lower. It was all too much. The sight of her nipple, the feel of her aroused breast and then Tazer latching onto it. She looked around them, suddenly feeling so exposed when she caught sight of Lynch. That hard, dark expression he shared with his brothers bored into her. His well-kempt beard, the thick black hair and dark black eyes took her breath away and she moaned as she came, right there, in Tazer’s arms, with his mouth over her breast, feasting on her.

“Fuck,” she heard Lynch say then felt his hands on her cheeks and just as she locked gazes with him as her cream dripped between her legs and embarrassment at coming like this in Tazer’s arms hit her, Lynch covered her mouth and kissed her.

She was moaning when she felt Tazer release her breast then lower down to his knees. His mouth landed on her belly button as he swirled his tongue over it and her belly ring. Then he explored lower. She felt his hands move under her skirt against her thighs and then reality struck. She was so overstimulated she thought she may not be able to stop the desire to feel more and to let them take her right here against the wall. It would be a meaningless fuck. They were men. Men with skills and capabilities that obviously went beyond the battlefield and their professions and into the realms of knowing a woman’s body to the point of making her weak. She couldn’t be weak. She wouldn’t let them take her like this.

She pulled from Lynch’s mouth and shoved at Tazer’s hands.

“Stop. It’s too much,” she said and Tazer looked so wild and aroused. His lips were wet, his hands firm on her thighs under her skirt with his thumbs inches, maybe centimeters from her pussy. She felt her cunt spasm a little and Lynch reached over and fixed her top.

“Jesus, Eliza Grace. You’re fucking lethal,” he said in a reprimanding tone that made her think they were blaming this little sexual encounter on her. She gasped and pushed Tazer away from her and fixed herself.

“Eliza Grace.” Tazer said her name and reached for her waist. She tried turning away. “So this is my fault? You’re the older, more experienced ones. Maybe used to just taking a woman out from a bar and screwing her against the wall like some whore.” As she tried to escape to the door Tazer snagged her around the waist with one arm, lifting her off the ground as if she were light as a feather and he hugged her to him. His mouth was against her neck and ear. His body encased her from behind as Lynch placed his hands on her hips and pressed against her. She was sandwiched between them.

She tried not looking at them.

“First of all, we don’t fuck women against walls outside bars, just like I know for a fact that you don’t make out with men outside of bars either. You’re making excuses and we’re done allowing you to deny what we all feel here.”

“Open your eyes,” Lynch said in a deep, raspy voice that had her shaking. She blinked her eyes open and he reached up and held her chin and jaw between his thumb and pointer.

“You are so fucking beautiful, baby. We’ve been watching you, wanting you, needing to know if you were ready for us, and capable of handling men like us. We were fighting it too.”

“Why now? Why tonight? Because some guys are flirting with me and looking at the calendar?” she asked with attitude. It confirmed that she wasn’t scared that they would hurt her in any way. She felt confident enough to sort of challenge them, because she knew they wouldn’t hurt her but instead protect her. That led to thoughts of guardianship, and perhaps actually having sex, making love for the very first time with them.

She felt Tazer’s arm grow snugger around her waist and his mouth move over her ear.

“You looked incredible in the calendar, Eliza Grace.” He suckled her ear and then her neck, making her part her lips and close her eyes.

Lynch used his thumb to caress her lower lip.

“But it also made us realize how fucking jealous we can be about sharing what’s ours.”

She opened her eyes and held Lynch’s gaze. The back door opened and she couldn’t turn to see who it was but felt Tazer’s hand move up and cup her breast.

“What’s going on here?” She heard Burker’s voice and then saw him and Parker now surround her too.

“We’re just explaining to Eliza Grace about the changes that are coming,” Tazer said to her and ran his thumb over her nipple.

She moaned softly. “Changes?” she asked as he rocked his hips against her ass, and she felt his hard cock between her ass cheeks.

“Oh God,” she moaned and Lynch leaned forward and kissed her lips. He spoke against them, pulling away and then pressing back. “Changes, Eliza Grace. Beginning with you accepting our guardianship and protection.” He kissed her again and then pulled back.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025