Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 18

“Torture. This is going to be torture,” Burker whispered and she heard his brothers mumble and she wondered if he meant her declining to go home with them and waiting to have sex.

She suddenly felt nervous and badly. Had she made a mistake? Was her decision juvenile? Maybe they would think she was immature or something, or a tease? Oh God. Did I just ruin things? she wondered, but as their friends came into sight and the sheriff gave them a nod and her a smile, she started focusing on the changes the men mentioned.

For the rest of the evening the four Hayes brothers kept close to her. They touched her, kept hands on her waist even as she spoke to her friends and had a good time. But before the night ended Max came over with his woman Alicia who owned a stained glass art store on the edge of town. Monroe and Caldwell Gordon were talking to Shelby Ann.

“You looked so amazing in the calendar pictures, Eliza Grace. Are you doing any others?” Alicia asked her.

“Not until next year, but I’ll be working on some catalogue shoots for the next several months. Next spring’s fashions are already being released to magazines and the boutiques want to be on top of things.”

“That must be crazy being a whole year ahead of the trends. So you’ll be modeling the spring line for the catalogue?” she asked.

“Yes, and maybe a few other things.”

“That is so cool. Any hints on what next season’s trends will bring?” Alicia asked as the men conversed beside them.

“A lot of pastel colors, skirts with blouses like this one I’m wearing will still be in fashion.”

“I love that top. I was just telling Shelby Ann that earlier. So there must be some benefits to modeling for the boutique in regards to free products?” Alicia asked.

“I get a bunch of things but I only take what I’ll actually wear. A few of the other models take everything. Sometimes too much, if you ask me.”

They continued to talk about the fashions and then about the upcoming events in Chance.

“Next Friday night there’s going to be a new band playing here at Spencer’s. A bunch of us are going to come out together and enjoy the night. Want to join us?” Alicia asked.

“Oh, I actually have to work Friday night,” she said to her. She felt badly as she realized she would need to lie about what she was really doing. Could she be making a mistake singing at Luther’s?

“Work on a Friday night modeling?” Parker asked her. Now all eyes were on her.

“I have some jobs to do. Sometimes they go into the evening. You know, to have the nighttime effect. The summer nights work great because they’re usually warm and the weather perfect.” She felt a little badly for lying to them, but she did have the performances at Luther’s this Wednesday night and on Friday. She had a decision to make about taking on the singing thing. She really only did it to achieve one of her goals. Plus Luther’s was nothing like Spencer’s. Luther’s had a lot of strange people that came from all over the place and it got very rowdy there. There were definitely things to be concerned over.

She felt the hand on her waist and then Burker close to her. “I didn’t know you worked nights in Cambridge and Charlesburgh. What time do you usually finish?” he asked.

“After midnight, but it depends on the shoot. Why?”

He squinted his eyes at her and then she saw the expression of the others.

“You shouldn’t be out that late driving and being on your own,” Max added.

“I have a cell phone and I always get my car serviced regularly,” she said to him.

Max looked at the Hayes brothers then back at her.

“I’d feel much better if you took additional precautions. Considering the current situation this evening, is it safe to assume you’ve accepted the Hayes brothers as your guardians?” Max asked and she looked at Alicia who smiled wide and then at the Hayes brothers who were straight faced. She felt Burker’s fingers gently rubbing along her belly and the belly ring she wore. It sent tiny vibrations of arousal through to her core.

“Yes, Max, I accept their guardianship, but I am more than capable of taking precautions. I’ve been working this schedule for months,” she added. Burker pressed his lips to her neck.

“We’ll work out the details, Max. She’ll call us when she arrives and when she’s leaving and learn the rules,” Tazer said to him. Max smiled and then nodded.

“Good. These are good men, Eliza Grace,” he said to her and she nodded before him and Alicia walked away. Burker turned her around in his arms and held her around the waist.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” he asked, holding her gaze.

“It was a big decision for me, Burker,” she whispered.

“It’s the right decision and our honor to be your guardians officially,” he said and winked then pressed his lips to hers and kissed her gently. When their lips parted she pulled back and looked at the others.

They were so damn good looking and big, she felt a little scared. But the attraction, the desire and the months of admiring them from afar was finally over. They were her guardians, and before long, they would be her lovers too.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025