Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 23

She looked at Si and then toward the busy crowd. She could see all the people having a good time. The college guys dancing sexy with college girls, and it made her feel uneasy and out of place.

The crowd grew bigger near them and she leaned back a little, instantly feeling Vic’s hand on the back of her chair and now against her back. His fingers stroked her skin and she leaned forward again and looked at him. His expression told her he wanted her. These men shared their women. Not that the idea shocked her for obvious reasons, but it was the fact that she found wanting to share her or thinking they had a chance to, to be creepy. She stood up.

Immediately Si reached out and stopped her. He held her by her hips and pulled her between his legs.

She gripped his hands and wrists. He was a big

guy. Not quite as big as Lynch and Tazer or even Parker and Burker, but he was large. His hands held firm.

“Where are you running off to?”

“I said I was going to leave. I appreciate your help back there with those guys. But as I said, this place, the whole atmosphere isn’t me.”

He licked his lower lip and stared at her body. The snug fitting strapless dress with beading along the top accentuated her breasts and showed off her toned arms.

“I wish you would stay so we can talk. To get to know one another.”

She wasn’t sure how to respond. She glanced at Vic and Daville and then wondered how the hell she went from one scary incident to another. It made her think she belonged back in Chance and with her guardians who could protect her. Her eyes widened and she realized what time it was and that she never texted Parker or Burker as she promised.

“I need to go.”

“Will we see you again?” he asked and caressed his thumbs along her hip bones.

“I don’t think so. I really need to go, Si. It was nice meeting you. The three of you,” she said and glanced toward Vic and Daville.

“We should walk her out,” Vic said, eying her with that expression of desire. She wouldn’t trust him to walk her out and not try something.

“I’m fine and besides, one of the bouncers does. It’s his job.”

Si wasn’t releasing her and then he stood up, slid his hands along her waist and stared down into her eyes.

“You sure are petite, but real sexy and shy. Don’t let some moron college guys scare you into not coming back here. You’re meant to be on that stage. To be in the spotlight. You’re special, Eliza. We’ll be keeping eyes on you,” He said and then she swallowed hard.

He leaned forward and kissed her cheek, letting his lips press to her skin and remain there a moment. When he slowly pulled back she felt the hands on her hips from behind. She turned and Vic was there. “Have a good night. We’ll see you soon.” He stroked her cheek and then slid his hand down her arm. When he stepped away Daville stood there staring at her. “I’ll walk you to one of the bouncers to make sure he gets you to your car safely.”

She was going to argue but one look at Si and something told her arguing would do nothing. These men did what they wanted. They were also trouble.

* * * *

“Try her again,” Burker said to Parker.

Parker hit the redial button on his cell phone. Still no answer or text reply from Eliza Grace. It was after midnight now, they were getting concerned.

“We need to do something,” Burker said as they stood in the kitchen waiting to hear from her. They heard from Tazer and Lynch two hours ago. The situation was intensifying now that suspicion of murder, forced prostitution and an organization that seemed to spread across several states was discovered. Some sick individuals were operating in public businesses, the back rooms of bars and other businesses. The logs and information they found with the owner of Clover’s connected him to two other places and simultaneous raids were being organized for the next several nights. It made Burker sick.

“She’s not answering. She could still be doing a shoot, or maybe her phone is off or on vibrate. She’ll get to it. She’ll remember that she promised to text or call us when she was leaving,” Parker said to him but Burker saw his expression. He was getting angry, concerned, especially after viewing the information about the young women being abducted then turned into prostitutes. Women who had low self-esteem or could be easily manipulated. They gathered through info from Agent Flours that the commander’s daughter was suffering from depression and had some situations with inappropriate behavior. They were beginning to think that she may have been coerced into being a prostitute. It was just a thought, but they wouldn’t know until she was found.

Suddenly Parker’s phone buzzed.

“Is it her?” Burker asked and moved closer. He saw the text message.

Sorry. Got caught up in work and almost forgot to text. On my way home now.

Why so late? Parker text back.

He didn’t get a response. Burker’s gut clenched.

“I don’t like this. Something is up. I feel it. She’s not being honest,” Burker said to him.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025