Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 29

“Let’s go,” he said and led the way as Parker guided her with a hand on her lower back and a smile of happiness Burker didn’t often get to see.

* * * *

“Why are they late?” Eliza asked Parker. They were having a drink by the outdoor bar by the marina. Connelly’s was owned by a few of their friends and they were planning on getting a drink with them once Tazer and Lynch arrived.

Parker had his hand behind her bar stool. Burker kept one on her bare knee the second they sat down and she crossed her legs.

She could tell they were being very possessive of her, especially since the moment they arrived a few men and other people recognized her from the calendar. She kind of felt badly for them. They seemed like quiet me

n who liked to keep to themselves, and also keep unnoticed. That wasn’t happening today.

“They’ll be here soon. Just had some calls to make in regards to the case we’re working on,” Parker said and moved his hand up her back, against her bare neck and under her hair. She shivered with goose bumps and turned to look at him. His dark blue eyes held hers.

“Don’t like your drink?” he asked and she swallowed hard, feeling a bit numb from their touches and this constant attention. It was partially unnerving, and sort of soothing. It was odd, but she never felt so safe before. Like nothing could hurt her, and everything could be perfect.

“What are you thinking? Right now. Just spit it out,” Burker ordered her.

It was an order, not a request. She felt his command all the way to her pussy. She took an unsteady breath. “How safe I feel. With both of you next to me.”

Burker smirked confidently.

Parker whispered next to her, “You are safe. No one can ever hurt you with us by your side.”

“It’s unnerving,” she said, turning to Parker.

“Why?” he asked.

“It’s powerful, and makes me feel uneasy and unsure whether I can trust in it, in you, or if you’ll…”

She looked away from them and felt the tears in her eyes. She was going to ruin this moment. She was going to let her fears from the past, from the other night bother her so much she would put up a wall against Parker and Burker, plus their brothers too. If they ever got here. That was another thing. Where were they? She was growing impatient to see them. She wanted them here too. She wanted quadruple the security.

Burker squeezed her knee and then ran his palm up a little higher then back down. He caressed her softly, slowly. She tightened up.

“If we’ll what?” Burker pushed.

Parker moved forward so she could see both of them without turning to the left or the right between them.

“Hurt you?” Parker asked. Burker squeezed her a little snugger on her thigh. “Never,” he whispered.

“Yes,” she replied and then covered his hand and held his gaze.

“You’re older, more experienced, and you have secretive jobs that lead you away from time to time. I don’t even know what kind of work you do, and if it’s dangerous and if you really want to commit to me or if I’m just something that interests you for now or that you feel an obligation to because of my cousins.”

Parker licked his lips and then took her hand and held it.

“We are older, and we all have discussed the fact of how much younger you are to us, however, the attraction we feel, the need to have you close, the desire to make you our woman is much, much stronger than a simple number. Our experience, as you label it, will in fact bring you much pleasure, more than any lover you’ve ever had.”

“I for one don’t want to think about her with any other men. Any college guys or immature assholes.” Burker added.

She felt the heat hit her cheeks and a nauseous feeling consume her. She pulled her hand from Parker’s and covered her belly with it.

Parker and Burker said her name but then she heard the deep voice.

“Eliza Grace?”

She turned around and nearly fell off the seat as she gripped the back of the stool in time. There were Lynch and Tazer. Both looking tired, almost angry. They were dressed in dark dress shirts and dark pants, Tazer in a burgundy button down shirt and Lynch in black. She slid off the stool and Tazer looked her over as he cupped her cheeks and stepped closer to her.

“You look gorgeous.” He covered her mouth and kissed her.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025