Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 40

“Let go?” Si asked.

“Sure. If they want to find her so badly, they get her and see she wanted that life. She was in love with Philippe anyway. Then he sold her out to his friends. The money he got paid for her was sick money. She doesn’t even have a great body, but she was young. Drop her somewhere they can find her and be done with her. When she begs to go back, the Feds see she wasn’t forced but went willingly. There goes the case and there goes the other two Special Ops guys because the commander will call them off out of embarrassment.”

“Hmm. Not sure it will go that way. Not when they got all those women from Rodney’s and two claimed to be forced into prostitution and seeing women murdered. The Feds will want answers. We’re in a jam whether she lives or dies. Let’s let things rest for now and keep a low profile. Maybe Stolley will be right and we can still run this operation on a private scale. After all, a large sum of money a shot is better than these dinky back bar operations.”

“Maybe we should think about closing up and relocating. Maybe start spending some of that money we made and looking to fulfill our own fantasies,” Vic suggested.

Si exhaled and then looked at the files on his desk then the calendar he had.

He slid over the file and looked at the cover of the calendar. He saw her face, and that sexy body. He lifted it up. “Eliza Grace.”

“Yeah, Eliza Grace,” Daville said straight faced and Si placed it back down and then leaned back in the chair.

“I admit she’s got a lot to offer, but how long will it last?” he asked then looked at the cover as he stared at her. She was sweet, vulnerable, sexy and attractive, yet she didn’t seem to even know it.

“As long as she cooperates,” Daville said.

Si knew these men well. Knew their capabilities and he was certain Daville was being honest. They fucked enough women together to know what they wanted and what they didn’t.

“She won’t come willingly,” Vic added to the discussion.

“She’ll be worth the fight,” Daville pushed.

He had never seen the man show such interest in a woman. But then again, neither had he. Eliza Grace was special, but maybe she wouldn’t fight them. Maybe she would need them or think she did and then they could make their move.

“We have a lot of planning to do. We need a safe place. We need security, and supplies. Daville, handle it. Vic, get more information on her so we know where we can take her. If it doesn’t look like a simple snag and go operation then we can get Luther to entice her to come back to the club and we’ll work our magic there.”

“And the other operation?” Vic asked.

“Let’s see what Stolley comes up with. If he fucks up then we’ll be hightailing it out of South Carolina and probably the country pretty damn fast. We might as well have the woman we desire come with us. Now get working. I would like to pull this off and be ready within a week or sooner if need be. Never can trust those Feds to fuck up and miss clues. Add in the Special Ops guys and our chances of escaping become less and less in our favor.”

“We’re on it, Si,” Vic said.

“I’ll get everything ready,” Daville replied and then they left the room. Si looked at Eliza’s picture again. He traced her face and then her body with his finger.

“I need to get her comfortable with me. She needs to be used to me showing up here and there so when it’s time to take her, she won’t expect a thing.”

He pulled out his phone and called Clarissa.

“Hey, babe, I need a favor. What is Eliza’s schedule this week?” he said and then smiled until Clarissa told him that he wasn’t the only man interested in Eliza. The man owned a lingerie boutique in Charleston and he was ready to pay big bucks to buy her.

* * * *

Eliza Grace sat on top of Lynch and eased her pussy over his cock. She gripped his shoulders, feeling so feminine and sexy above him. Especially as his eyes zeroed in on her breasts and his hands squeezed her hips. He had big hands and was super wild in bed.

She ran her palms along his muscles and his six-pack abs. She couldn’t help but be mesmerized by their bodies and the way their muscles had muscles.

“Are you going to move or just torture me?” he asked and she chuckled, and then felt her cheeks warm. He reached up and cupped her breasts, let his thumbs roll over her nipples and she felt her pussy cream.

“Show me how to, Lynch,” she said and then she gasped as Burker moved in behind her. Her ass was sticking out off the bed and Lynch’s legs were hanging off the bed too.

Burker grabbed her hips.

“Ease up and down on him like this,” he said and lifted her hips higher and then lower. “Thrust up and down, back and forth, and ease that hunger in your cunt,” he told her. She shivered from his words.

But then she did as Burker said and began to rock her hips and watch Lynch’s facial expression. His eyes darkened and squinted and then he tightened up and moaned softly. She smiled, felt aroused knowing she was making his cock grow within her.

“Good?” she whispered and ran her palms along his large chest of muscles.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025