Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 43

Eliza Grace straightened out her skirt and looked at herself in the mirror. She felt different. Hell, she looked different.

She took a deep breath then released it before heading out of the bathroom to the bedroom. The guys were probably waiting on her downstairs and wondering when she would be down.

She looked around the big bedroom. Took in the sight of the candles, long blown out, the ruffled sheets and the scent of sex and men’s cologne. Her cheeks blushed and she felt like her entire body heated up. She did it. She finally felt confident enough, comfortable and safe enough to give them her virginity and also her heart. She looked at the extra-large bed, the pictures of wooded landscapes and hunting dogs on the walls. It was so masculine and sexy, especially the military pictures that adorned the walls.

For such large, capable men, they were gentle with her. They put her first and she hoped that continued. She didn’t want to leave this room, or leave their house. But reality was breathing down her neck. It was already nearly eight o’clock and she needed to be in good shape for tomorrow’s shoot. She couldn’t have bags under her eyes or look tired. Although she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep much. Not without one of them next to her, holding her and loving her.

She took a deep breath and headed downstairs, taking in the sights of the memorabilia on the walls leading to the staircase and the long entrance to the kitchen and living room.

She heard them talking about some case and about needing to do further investigating tomorrow morning.

When she entered the room their smiles turned to frowns and she wondered why.

“You’re all dressed? How come?” Burker asked, approaching her first.

“It’s getting late. I have to be up early tomorrow morning.”

He took her hand and pulled her into his arms. He ran his hands along her back then to her ass. “But we thought you were staying over.”

“I wish I could.”

“Then stay. Just do it,” Lynch said firmly.

She worried her lip.

“But I have to be awake and on the top of my game. I can’t have circles under my eyes or be yawning all day long. It’s going to be a rough enough week as is,” she said to them.

Burker caressed her ass. “Bad timing, I guess.”

He went to release her and she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him close. “Perfect timing. I want to stay. I want you to hold me and I know it would be the best sleep ever, but I won’t be able to function in the morning. I won’t be able to walk,” she said, raising both eyebrows up at him. Burker gave her a sly smile.

“Hmmm, you know what to say to inflate a guy’s ego.” He kissed her softly and then released her.

She looked at the table and saw they made some burgers, salad and veggies.

“This looks delicious.”

Parker pulled out a chair. “Come sit and eat and then we’ll bring you home.”

They all sat down to make some plates of food.

“You said you had a tough week ahead of you, when can we see you again?” Lynch asked her.

She finished chewing a piece of carrot and then swallowed.

“Well, I’ll have to look at the schedule and see what time I get off each night. I know that I will get off of work by four, hopefully tomorrow.” She reached for her purse and pulled out her cell phone. “Oh God. Darn it, I missed a bunch of calls and messages,” she said and scrolled through them.

“Oh, hmm, looks like Tuesday’s shoot has been moved up to the afternoon.”

“So we can get together after the shoot tomorrow and you can stay over?” Burker asked.

She felt her cheeks warm. “If you all want me to.”

“Plan on it. Text us when you get home and are ready for one of us to pick you up,” Tazer said to her and she smiled.

“Okay. Sounds like a plan,” she said and picked up her fork and began to eat. When it was really time for her to leave, it was torture. She didn’t want to go, but she made Lynch take her home.

* * * *

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025