Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 52

“How long have you been working here?” Tazer barked at her. Missy Ann held her hand.

“I don’t work here. I mean I sang here a few nights two weeks ago and then the owner asked me to come sing tonight because they were down a singer. It was going to be the last time.”

“Luther? You talked with him? Alone?” Lynch asked with fists by his side.

She felt the tears fill her eyes.

“Guys, calm down and give her a minute. She doesn’t know what’s going on. It’s obvious she didn’t have a clue,” Finn Connelly said to them and he looked at Missy Ann then at Eliza Grace.

“Is there anything you can tell us about Luther? Maybe who he hangs out with or seems to do business with? Anything that stands out as suspicious?” Salvatore asked her.

“He seemed okay, maybe a little flirty at first but then he backed off,” she said and then worried her bottom lip as her men stared at her, looking angrier.

“Ever notice anything suspicious? Any exchange of money or maybe regulars he was always around?” Finn asked.

She looked at Missy Ann and thought about Si and the control he seemed to have over Luther. Her gut clenched as she wondered if she should tell them about him. She didn’t want to accuse the man of something.

“Eliza Grace, this is a serious situation. These men, Luther included, have been running numerous prostitution rings. They take women, young ones like yourselves, and turn them into prostitutes. They train them and then have men come in to clubs like this and pay for sex. There are women who go willingly and others who are taken. Luther has been operating one of these rings in the back room. If there has been anyone you’ve seen him with that has not looked on the up and up, even if it’s just a guess, we need to know. Women are being killed. Soldiers, Special Ops like your men have died trying to find certain women they know personally.”

“I don’t want to make any accusations.”

“Just tell us and we’ll handle it,” Lynch said, teeth clenched.


“There were three men Luther was always talking to. One of them definitely bossed him around.”

“They were here tonight. They know Eliza Grace,” Missy Ann said and Eliza looked at her and Tazer grabbed Eliza Grace’s arm.

“They know you? Talk to you?”

She nodded.

She told them their names and all about how she met them and about the night the college guys tried something on her. She refused to come back but then she saw Si again and she told them about the yacht and about them being here tonight and they knew Luther would ask her to perform one more time.

“He may have wanted her,” Finn said and Parker pulled her into his arms.

“We need to identify these men.”

“They were here tonight,” Missy Ann said to Finn.

“You can identify them?” he asked her and she nodded her head.

“Come with us, we’ll look at the surveillance video. She can point them out and we’ll get last names.”

“He owned the yacht the shoot was at Monday. He was there. It’s at the marina,” Eliza Grace said to them.

Parker’s hand on her hip was firm. He whispered next to her as Lynch and Tazer gave orders and Lynch spoke into his cell phone.

“You could have been taken. These guys could have their eyes on you and set you up tonight to be taken. They know we’re on to them. Jesus, Eliza Grace. Why didn’t you tell us about this? About the guys bothering you here? About performing here and about meeting Si and him being on the yacht?” Parker asked her.

“You didn’t think it was suspicious that he showed up at your other shoots this week? You couldn’t tell the man was interested in you?” Burker asked, sounding so angry with his arms crossed and looking at her like she was stupid.

“I really didn’t think much of it. I was so busy with work and wanting to get home to you guys. I just thought he flirted with me and if I kept blowing off his advances that he would get the hint.”

Burker stepped into her space and cupped her cheeks. “Did he touch you, try to kiss you? Don’t fucking lie to me,” he demanded to know.

The tears rolled down her cheeks. “No, he never kissed me. He did try touching me, taking my hand or covering my knee if he sat next to me. He kissed my cheek hello and goodbye. I kept my distance. I didn’t know he was dangerous. I didn’t know this was a setup. I tried asking you guys to come here but you were busy with the case and said you had to work.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025