Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 57

“We need to go,” the guy said and he was the one in the waiting room with Missy Ann.

Eliza Grace took a chance and ran for the door. Si stopped her, lifting her up off the ground. He slammed her onto the table and gripped her head. She couldn’t move with him on top of her.

“You will cooperate or she will die right here in this office. Do you understand me?” he said through clenched teeth. She could tell by his tone, his facial expression that he meant business. He would kill Missy Ann if she didn’t cooperate. The tears rolled down her cheeks. She nodded.

“Let’s go.” He pulled her up as if she weighed nothing at all and dragged her from the room. When she came into the main office Missy Ann was gone and her cell phone was on the floor, her bag still there.

“Where is she? What did you do with her?” she asked as Si pulled her out of the doorway and down the hall toward the stairs.

“She’s in safe keeping. Can’t have any cops following us,” he said and they got to the bottom of the stairs and to the back door. As soon as it opened she struck him and tried to run. He knocked her down and she hit the blacktop, scraping her knees and her elbows. She cried out but struggled to get free. Si struck her across the mouth and she fell back against the SUV.

“Your life here is over. They’re dead and now you’re mine.” He lifted her up and shoved her into the back seat. She felt the arms go around her waist and then she caught sight of Vic. She slammed her head back against his mouth and he cursed then twisted around and threw her onto her belly before he straddled her in the back seat. He tied her hands together behind her back as she cried out in pain and screamed that she hated them and she would never be theirs and she would never let them touch her.

She was crying and the pain in her ribs and stomach as Vic straddled her made her lose her breath. She felt his hands move up her skirt and she cried out through the gag. “You will be ours. You’ll learn to submit, even if it takes beating you down.”

He pressed against her to ease up into his seat. The SUV was already in motion with Daville behind the wheel. They kept her like that. On her stomach, her ass exposed to their eyes and their hands and she cried. She was going to be raped, beaten and used by these men and then they were going to kill her. They killed Lynch and Tazer and they could kill Burker, Parker and even Missy Ann. It was all her fault. All because she hadn’t trusted her men fully and told them about her fears and about Si and his buddies. She caused their deaths and she was responsible for Missy Ann suffering now too.

She cried as she lay there helpless. Her knees burning, her elbows and mouth sore and swollen. Where were they taking her? How would she survive? Why was this happening to her? Everything had been perfect, now her life was over.

* * * *

Just after they broke into the back room of the dive Lynch got the cal

l from Parker. They had Stolley in custody and he was smiling and leaning back in the chair as if he had nothing to fear.

“Say that again,” Lynch said into his phone. He grabbed onto Tazer. “What? What’s wrong?” Tazer asked and Finn came closer to them as the Feds took control of the situation.

“Eliza Grace and Missy Ann are gone. A call came through and we heard a scuffle and then silence. It went dead and it was from Missy Ann’s cell phone. We freaked out and headed to the place where Divanni was meeting them and Clarissa. No one is here, Tazer. There was a definite struggle. Missy Ann’s phone and purse are on the ground and blood is on the chair. In the back office in a meeting room we found Eliza Grace’s stuff on the floor.”

“Fuck. Did you get the surveillance tapes? Are the cops there?” Lynch asked and then he heard Stolley chuckle.

“There’s nothing,” Parker told him.

“Oh my God. It has to be Si. The son of a bitch wanted her from the start and he took Missy Ann too,” Lynch said.

Tazer turned toward Stolley. He ran to the table and grabbed him by his shirt collar. “Where did Si take them? Where did they take the two women?” he yelled and shook Stolley. Stolley continued to chuckle.

The Feds pulled Tazer away from Stolley. “You can’t do that,” Flours said to him.

“I sure as shit can. This isn’t over. Si and his buddies took our woman and her friend. I want answers. Who owned the private jet that you said took them out of the country?” he asked Flours.

“That wasn’t completely confirmed,” one of the other agents said. Flours shot him a look. “It may as well been,” Flours said.

“What? You mean you didn’t confirm that Si and Vic and Daville were on that private plane, you just assumed so?” Tazer yelled at Flours.

“They were more than likely on it. They did business with the owner of the jet.”

“Fuck,” Tazer yelled out. “We left her wide open for him to take her because this asshole made an assumption. We let her down. We fucking caused Eliza Grace and Missy Ann to get taken,” Lynch said to Tazer.

“You’re a fucking asshole. And I’m doing this my way,” Tazer said to Flours and then pushed him aside and took out his gun and put it against Stolley’s head.

“Start talking, asshole, or you’re going to die right here.”

Stolley stared at him in shock but didn’t look like he believed Tazer at all. Lynch moved closer and kept the Federal agents back. Flours was saying Tazer couldn’t do this and that Stolley had rights.

“I answer to a different law. You killed two soldiers and a whole lot of other women. I have no fears. Not jail, not getting shot, nothing. I’ll kill you right here if you don’t tell me where they took the women.”

“I don’t know,” Stolley said to him. Tazer shook him and pressed the gun harder. “I think Tennessee or somewhere. There’s a safe house. A place that Si uses to get away and to fuck his women.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025