Town of Chance: Believing in Love (The Dare 7) - Page 59

“What if his brother was stupid enough to open his mouth and mention this place?” Vic asked, bringing up the conversation again.

“He wouldn’t do that, and even if he did, we would know they were coming way before they even set foot in the state,” Si said.

“Darius is not that good,” Daville said sounding like he had a beef with the guy or maybe felt inferior to him. Vic chuckled. “You never liked him. Not since he beat your ass in that fight.” Vic stated.

“Fuck you. He cheated,” Daville said.

“He improvised. The man is a monster fighter and he’s sneaky. That detective and Special Agent are as good as dead. He loved his brother,” Vic added.

She heard the chair scrape back against the floor. Si’s foot hit her side and she moved away. He grabbed her hair and she gasped. “Get up here,” he told her and pulled on the chain.

She felt so weak and she was starving. They had yet to feed her and she knew it was to break her down and keep her weak.

She was kneeling between Si’s legs. He kept one hand under her hair against her neck and she saw Vic and Daville staring at her breasts.

“Take a sip,” Si said to her bringing the water to her lips. She took a sip.

“Good girl. You keep listening and soon we’ll get rid of those chains,” Daville said to her. “Not before she submits to us and realizes we’re her future. No one is coming to get her.”

In that instant the lights went out and darkness filled the large house.

They pulled their weapons and Si grabbed her by her hair and started dragging her along the floor. She tried to keep up with him and couldn’t. Her calves scraped against the hard floor and she heard the gunshots and then glass shattering. “They’re coming in,” Daville said and Si shoved her toward the bedroom. She wouldn’t go in there. She was as good as dead if he took her there. She swung the chains up at his hands and the gun went flying. She jumped for it and he tackled her to the ground and she felt the weight of his body and the strikes to her back and her shoulders. She screamed out in anger and tried to cover the gun so he couldn’t get it. More shots rang out and he cursed then stood up. She gripped the gun and saw him reach for another gun as a guy, a guard, fell to the ground.

She had her finger on the trigger. When he turned toward her ready to attack, she pulled the trigger. Once, twice, three times and he fell on top of her then against the cabinet. She was screaming and shaking as more gunshots rang out and then men in black appeared. She was scared as she turned the gun on them but then heard the yelling. “No, Eliza Grace. Don’t shoot, it’s us,” Lynch yelled and she dropped the gun and lay there on her belly crying.

“Jesus. Oh God, what did they do to you?” Tazer said to her.

“Is he dead?” she asked between sobs.

“You killed him, baby. Good job,” Lynch said to her and Tazer pulled off his mask and spoke into his radio. In a matter of seconds the lights came back on and the bodies came into view. She started crying again as more men came in. “All clear?” someone asked. “All clear,” Parker said and he and Burker knelt down on the floor too.

“Let me look at her. The medic is on his way inside,” Lynch said and knelt down next to her.

“You’re alive. He said he killed you?”

“Never, baby. We’re invincible,” Lynch said to her as he began to roll her over after checking her back.

“Missy Ann?” she asked, tears rolling down her cheeks.

“Alive and well and being watched over by Finn and Salvatore,” Tazer said to her as he caressed her hair. “Shit, they did a number on you, honey. Let’s get these chains and cuffs off.”

“I tried to escape. Several times.”

She looked at Lynch as he checked her over. She could see the tears in his eyes. She placed her hand over his that was on her belly. “You came for me. All of you. You didn’t give up. You didn’t let him win.”

“Of course not, honey, you’re our woman and we would do anything for you, don’t you realize that?” Lynch asked her.

“You saved me and you saved Missy Ann too.”

“Because we love you and we could never live without you in our lives. Never,” Tazer said and she smiled.

“I love you too,” she said and then the medic arrived. Her men stepped aside as the medic tended to her injuries and covered her up with a blanket to keep her warm. The nightmare was over and it was time to start believing in her men and in the power of their love for her.


Eliza Grace sat on the back porch swing with Missy Ann. They were holding one another close and watching their family and friends enjoy the BBQ. It had been her father’s suggestion after all that happened and he wanted to thank everyone for saving Eliza and Missy Ann. All their friends were there, including the Connelly men.

“So, what’s going on with those Connelly men and you? They come visit at least once a week and check on you,” Eliza asked. Missy Ann got awfully quiet.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025