Town of Chance: Fight for Freedom (The Dare 6) - Page 7

“So am I. I want you to pull out and head down the road and make your second right. Meet me there and then I’ll follow you back to Chance and make sure we don’t have a tail.” He held her shoulders and looked down at her and she knew he could tell she was scared and about to cry.

“I’ll help you. Now move,” he said and she did immediately.

* * * *

“You are not going to believe this, buddy. But guess who I just saw as I finished up in court in Charlesburgh?”

“Who?” Skip asked.

“That sweet little blonde you searched for months for and then gave up on.”

“Shelby Ann?” Skip asked, and Mickie smiled as he held the phone against his ear and then got into his car.

“Yes indeed. Met her in the local courthouse. Was trying to get some info on her and what she was up to, where she lives, but some big-ass dude with a crew cut and muscles showed up and pulled her along. I think a boyfriend or something.”

“Really?” Skip asked and Mickie could hear the upset in his friend’s voice. Skip had really taken a liking to Shelby Ann, and rightfully so. The woman was built to please a man in bed. But he went over the line when he allowed Blade to touch her, too, and then cut her to intimidate her. It was a wild scene.

“How did she look? Happy? Like this guy is her boyfriend or something?”

“She looked incredible, professional, and was maybe there for work. I don’t know. Do you want me to find out?”

Skip was quiet.

“She’s more mature, her hair is longer, nearly to her ass in an abundance of curls, and her body even more perfect than even I remember.”

“Find out what you can.”

Mickie smiled. “You got it. Are you going to tell Blade about her?”

“Blade was even more obsessed with her than me, especially after he marked her as his woman forever. Find her, and then I’ll tell him and maybe send him to retrieve her for the both of us.”

“I don’t want to know any details. After all, I’m your lawyer,” he said, but he couldn’t help but be aroused by the actions his friends would take with Shelby. He disconnected the call and looked around for Shelby but couldn’t find her. It may be a little more difficult to track her down now, but she must live nearby. He would make some calls and begin to search.

He scrolled through his contacts, looking for the right people as he thought about that night at Skip’s and how Blade had gone overboard. Blade liked to torture women, not kill them. He screwed up a few times in the past two years and it nearly cost Blade his freedom, but Mickie got him off. Women were weak, and he had a way of

manipulating their minds and making them see that they weren’t victims but instead instigators to the abuse they sustained from men like Blade and even Skip. Even though he would get nothing out of finding Shelby for Skip and Blade, he felt excited and happy for them. It seemed to him that neither man had been the same since she disappeared that night. Blade even searched for replacements and Skip obsessed with work and making money. This was going to make them very, very happy.

He hit the call button the phone and heard a female voice on the second ring.

“To what do I owe this pleasure?” Shyanne asked him.

“Well, sweetheart, I’ve got a tricky job for you to do. It isn’t going to be easy, but if you’re successful, then your debt to me is owed.”

“Seriously? Wow, this person must be really important for you to find. Give me the details and I’ll come through. Don’t you worry.”

He smiled.

“I’ll send over what I have in just a little while. Oh, and if you find her quickly, I’ll even pay you a little something in cash, besides clearing your debt to me.”

“Nice. I’m on it, Mickie. Anything for you.”

He disconnected the call and smiled. It sure did pay to own so many people. He thought about Shelby Ann. She sure did look different. Sexier, classier, like a woman in a new life. He felt a little guilty, but that passed quickly. Skip and Blade hadn’t been the same men after she left them. Perhaps having her back would settle Blade down so he would stop hurting women and have his number one girl back. Mickie always thought that if Blade had the chance to fuck her then she wouldn’t be such an obsession. But then again, Skip got to and was just as obsessed with having her back, so who knew what would happen. He didn’t even care. He would do his job and find her. They would have to take care of the dirty work.

However, if they screwed up badly and she tried to press charges, or worse, they killed her, then he would be the one to get them off because that was how good of a lawyer he really was.

Chapter 2

It was dark when Shelby Ann arrived home with Tazer following close behind her. She shouldn’t have been surprised to see Max’s sheriff SUV sitting outside of her place. She knew the rules of this town and instead of being angry she should feel grateful. Especially since all the way home the only thing that kept her from crying hysterically and freaking out about seeing Mickie was that Tazer was protecting her.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025