Town of Chance: Fight for Freedom (The Dare 6) - Page 12

“No, it’s fine. I was weak and scared out of my mind. I assume your brother told you a bit about what happened.”

“Yes, he did, but obviously it was worse than you explained. Something else happened there to make these men still seek you out.”

“It’s simple, really,” she said and played with the place setting on the table. “I got away before they could complete their intentions. It was over because of a phone call. Everything stopped and they panicked and Mickie took off. Blade told me we weren’t finished and that I belonged to him and to Skip.” She locked gazes with Parker.

“He’s a very evil man. He thrives on a person’s fear. He doesn’t sleep, and he has total control over Skip.”

“You were invol

ved with both of them?” Parker asked.

“No. Skip was my boyfriend. Blade was his best friend and buddy along with Jerry. But like I told you guys, I think Blade was like a guard or a heavy for Skip. I know he must have done work for Mickie, too, because that night when they all showed up, Blade was wired. He had this look in his eyes. It was so wild and he appeared lost, out of it, and I knew I was never going to be the same again after that night. I knew they were all going to rape me.”

“Jesus,” Parker whispered, and he covered her hand and gave it a squeeze. She held his gaze as one tear fell from her eye.

“Then I heard the click of the switchblade,” she said and Tazer cleared his throat.


She looked over to the side and saw Kenneth approaching along with Bender.

It appeared as if the entire diner went silent. They all just watched waiting to see if there was going to be a fight. She felt so stupid but then Tazer took control.

Tazer stood up and so did Parker.

They shook hands with Kenneth and Bender. “How’s it going?” Tazer asked Kenneth.

“You tell us,” Kenneth replied and crossed his arms in front of his chest.

Shelby was embarrassed. They were causing a scene and that was the last thing she wanted.

“Just sit down. People are looking,” she said, and Kenneth uncrossed his arms and he sat down in the empty chair as Bender pulled one over from another table.

That move seemed to get the crowd to go back to minding their own business. Chance was a close-knit community. This little incident would make the gossip column fast. She worried about Eliza Grace. She didn’t want her to misunderstand what was happening here. She was making a mess of everything. Shelby should have skipped town when she had the chance.

Kenneth and Bender stared at her.

“What’s going on, Shelby?” Bender asked.

“You don’t belong here,” she replied, trying to hold her ground.

“The hell we don’t,” Bender snapped. She swallowed hard, noticing his tone drew other patrons’ attention again. God, she needed to get the hell out of here.

He was so abrupt. Bender was bad ass and then some. From the scruff on his face to his wavy brown hair and dark eyes, he was the epitome of tough cop. She lowered her head and rubbed her temples. Parker reached out and squeezed her shoulder.

“Calm down, Bender. Don’t blow this out of proportion.”

“Blow it out of proportion? You’ve been assigned guardians to our woman. I think we’re being rational because I haven’t lost it and hit you yet,” Bender said.

“Yeah, like you would do that? We’ve been friends forever,” Tazer replied.

“Just calm down. Stop doing this,” Shelby said to them. “I don’t need all this attention drawn to me. It was a mistake coming here and talking to Max,” she said and then looked up at Bender and Kenneth.

“I’m sorry, Kenneth, Bender, but this is how it must be. I’m in a bit of a jam. It’s nothing dangerous, just potential for some trouble, but nothing that Tazer and Parker can’t handle.”

“We should be handling it, whatever it is,” Kenneth told her.

“No, you shouldn’t because the rules of town say that I must accept your guardianship and have the same feelings for you that you have for me. I don’t,” she said and the tears filled her eyes but she held her ground.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025