Dare to Succeed (The Dare 2) - Page 3

“eBay order.”

“Your work is exceptional, Alicia. You should be selling pieces in galleries and specialty stores. Hell, you should open your own store.”

“Yeah right,” she said and exhaled under her breath. The package was getting heavy, plus it was an awkward shape. She should pick his brain right now. Funny that you say such a thing. It’s something I’ve been contemplating. Any advice, Caldwell? Yeah right.

She bit her tongue and leaned the package on her hip. It’s so heavy.

“Don’t sell yourself short. You should consider it.”

“I have considered it. I’ve even thought of opening up something small in town, but my eBay earnings change from month to month. I need consistency before I make an investment like that.”

“Well, maybe someone could back your investment. You know, like a business partner?”

She shook her head.

“I don’t think so. I like to handle things on my own.”

Thanks but no thanks. Been there, done that, and still trying to recover from the actions of my ex. The asshole. Never mind my own brother. The lazy man was always looking for the easy way out, and he thought she was it. Hell, Alvin still thinks that I’m going to take care of him by supporting him financially so he won’t have to do shit. God forbid Alvin work a legitimate job and earn his own keep. No, instead he puts the pressure on me and cries about not finding work or getting hired and how I’m his sister and I should help him.

She felt guilty. Why should she feel guilty? She didn’t do anything wrong. God, I’m so screwed up. She felt the tears hit her eyes and she quickly coughed, trying to cover up any indication that she was being emotional. Caldwell squinted at her. Had he seen the emotion in her eyes? Great, he would think something was wrong with her. Well, she was better off. He was out of her league in more ways than one.

She wouldn’t tell Caldwell about Tony. After all it had been her insecurities, her lack of self-confidence and innocence that got her screwed, in more ways than just sexually. She lost her damn virginity to Tony. At least she didn’t entirely regret that. Boy did Tony hold that over her head to this day. When she saw him last he even asked her if she were seeing anyone. God, she needed to gain a backbone when it came to Tony. Hell, when it came to men.

“I wouldn’t write it off so quickly. A lot of people love your work and think you have a unique talent. You just need some marketing help, and maybe some promotional help, too.”

It was her turn at the counter. She smiled at him. Ask him for some advice. I’m safe here in the post office. Go ahead and ask him.

“I’ll think about it.”

* * * *

Caldwell Gordon couldn’t take his eyes off of Alicia. She was stunning and petite. Her head barely made it to his upper chest. Her femininity, shyness, and near insecurity made him have an instant protectiveness over her. God only knew what she would say or do if she knew that him and his brothers were planning on staking a permanent claim over her. Having to watch over her for the week a couple of months back had solidified their attraction to her, but she seemed unaffected. Perhaps she was just so shy she needed some persuading, but how could they persuade her to explore an attraction, if they couldn’t get time alone to spend with her? He needed to think hard and come up with something good.

She looked so sad today. Every time he saw her he got this feeling that she wanted to say something to him but then she didn’t. He could see the flash of emotion across her eyes and then a blank expression. She even opened her mouth to say something and then coughed or pretended to. What was she afraid of? Did he intimidate her? God, I hope not.

As he watched her process her newest order he thought about her craft, her unique ability to create such gorgeous colors and designs with stained glass pieces. Their new wine cellar was nearly complete in their own basement at home, but there was a large window that sat in the middle of the room that could use something unique. The thought hit him quickly. He could ask Alicia to take a look at it and see if she could design and work on the window at their home. That could give them a chance to get to know her and to make her feel more comfortable with them. It was worth the try. Especially staring at her back right now, looking over her sexy figure, her long brown hair, and listening to her sweet, quiet voice as she spoke with Lenny behind the counter.

He needed to make a move.

“So it should get to California by Friday. Is that good enough?” Lenny asked.

“Oh that’s great. The customer hadn’t expected it until almost a week later but I had time to complete it. Thanks, Lenny. Have a great day.”

“You, too, Alicia,” Lenny said, and Caldwell could see the man’s cheeks turning a shade of pink as he winked at their woman. She was their woman, whether she knew it yet or not.

Alicia turned around and headed toward the door and right past him.

“Alicia. Could you hold up a minute? I wanted to run something by you,” Caldwell said. He acted all businesslike and he knew his tone grabbed her attention as she nodded and stood there looking intimidated. She was sweet. He could only imagine how submissive she would be in the bedroom as he asked her to touch him, kiss him, plant her pussy over his face as he devoured her sweet cream. God, the fantasies he had about her were beginning to feel real, but he knew they weren’t. Hell, she could turn him and his brothers down flat. If that happened he would never be the same again. He adored her. She was everything he wanted in a woman, a wife. His brothers believed so, too. He needed to make her feel safe and comfortable. The attraction was there. It had to be.

He gave Lenny the small package and some letters that needed to go out. Lenny gave him an odd expression but Caldwell ignored him. If the man liked Alicia and thought he had a chance with her, he would make sure he realized right now that Alicia was off limits.

Caldwell wrapped an arm over Alicia’s shoulder as he walked her out.

“We’ll talk outside. It’s a gorgeous day out,” he told her and felt her stiffen up as he touched her. They walked outside and she sidestepped out of his hold. He squinted at her and she shyly turned away. His cock hardened. God, she’s irresistible. Please let her be attracted to my brothers and me. We can’t get her out of our heads.

“What’s going on, Caldwell?” she asked him and he crossed his arms in front of his chest and took in the sight of her. She smelled so good and looked so pretty in her skirt and blouse. How he would love to explore her skin.

“I was wondering if you could help me out with something.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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