Dare to Succeed (The Dare 2) - Page 12

She wondered how he would do that since she never gave out her cell number, and then it hit her. He was the sheriff, he could find out anything. She thought about Tony and how he sold the company they had right out from underneath her and how he cheated on her and basically used her. The sheriff could know already and he and his brothers could be looking to do the same thing.

“Alicia.” She heard her name and there was Monroe.

“Are you okay?” he asked, placing his hands on her shoulders.

She shook them off and stepped back, ignoring the ache.

“Please leave. I’ll be fine.” She looked toward the sheriff. “Don’t call me or text me. I’ll take care of myself, thank you.”

She thought Max might challenge her but instead he looked perplexed and he winked before he opened the door and indicated he was waiting on Monroe to leave with him.

Monroe smiled.

“You take care of that leg and be sure to call me about the storefront. We can make it happen together.”

The door closed and she sighed feeling the tears in her eyes.

I bet you could. You and your two brothers would use me, play with my emotions and truly destroy any bit of self-confidence I may have left somewhere inside of me. You’re all hot and sexy, but no thank you. I’m destined for loneliness. That’s the way it has to be.

Chapter 2

“I don’t think she’s coming,” Max said as he stood in the kitchen along with his brothers. He had a feeling Alicia would change her mind despite how excited Caldwell was about getting her over here for a project. He didn’t think it was such a great idea since Alicia was so shy and seemed timid when it came to them. It felt like he got her here under false pretenses and that could only mean disaster.

“She’ll come here, despite her injury. Even though she seems fearful of us she is still professional. That’s one of the qualities I personally find endearing,” Caldwell replied.

“I hope her leg is okay,” Monroe said as they heard the doorbell ring.

“Holy shit. She’s here,” Monroe added and Caldwell hurried down the hallway to the door.

Max and Monroe follow

ed and as Caldwell opened the door there stood Alicia looking incredible as usual.

She pushed the strand of hair behind her ear and shyly looked up at Caldwell.

“Sorry I’m late, my car wouldn’t start.”

Caldwell looked past her and Max felt concerned.

“Maybe you should get that checked out?” Monroe said as he joined them by the front door.

She looked over her shoulder toward her car. “That’s okay. It’s been doing that for a while.”

“Well then you should definitely get it checked out. The last thing you need is to be stuck on the side of the road somewhere all alone,” Max said to her, instantly hoping she heeded his advice. He couldn’t help but to think of all the bad things that could happen to a beautiful woman like Alicia stuck on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere.

“It will be fine,” she said, looking at Max as if he upset her.

“Come on inside. Welcome to our home,” Caldwell interrupted and she smiled and entered.

Max felt his gut clench. She was so petite compared to the three of them it made him feel protective as usual.

“This is so big, and the ceilings are so high,” she told them as she walked around and took in the sight.

“We’re tall men. Always hated walking into places and having to duck between every doorway,” Monroe told her.

She nodded her head.

“I wouldn’t know how that feels,” she said and Monroe smiled.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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