Dare to Succeed (The Dare 2) - Page 58

The smell of a hazelnut latte and some sweet buns filled her senses as Alicia worked on her latest masterpiece. The people coming and going, quietly watching her technique and waiting on the end results, didn’t bother her anymore. Her heart was no longer heavy, her stresses good ones as she tried to complete orders, and also prepared for her first gallery showcase right in Charlotte.

Her dreams were becoming a reality. She was an independent entrepreneur. She used part of the money from her original store sale to pay off the mortgage Caldwell and Monroe held for her despite their resistance. That had cost her a few spankings, some creative techniques in bed, and finally some promises of fulfilling their deep dark sexual fantasies to get them to allow such a business move on her part, but it was all worth it, and actually she found out she really liked spicing up the sex in the bedroom. Especially the sex toys, the role-playing, and being restrained and spanked. Her men seemed to really like it, too.

She smiled wide as she finished the last piece to the stained glass she was working on. It was a custom order for a couple in New York who had a winery and wanted a similar piece to the one she made for her men months ago. As she thought about how this relationship started and how often they used the wine-tasting table to taste her instead, she couldn’t help but feel like life was a gift and she was living a dream. Her men taught her so much. They taught her about never giving up, about what being cared for and loved was really all about, and they dared her, encouraged her, and helped her in every way to succeed and to find that fight within her that was always there but needed to be coaxed out of her.

She chuckled.

They sure did know how to coax a lot of things out of her.

She glanced to the right and there were Monroe and Caldwell. Looking sexy and smiling as they drank some coffee and talked with the customers. Max was standing outside by the patrol truck keeping an eye on things and making sure she was protected and safe. She’d found everything she ever wished for and needed in this

town called Chance. It all happened because she made that first step of change by leaving Dallas and going after her dream. Life just didn’t get any better than this. She was happy and in love and everything else was icing on the cake.


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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