Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 5

“That meeting with the three of them was that intense?” Marcy pushed as she eyed over Will when he walked past the desk and to his office. She licked her lips and Adel wanted to smack her.

“No, the meeting with them was fine. Why?”

“Well the three of them have quite the reputations.” She moved closer and whispered, “I heard they’ve had sex in that meeting room with different women.”

Adel was shocked and then she was mortified as she covered her hand over her chest.

“Not me,” she said on the defensive.

“Of course not you. You’re so not their type.”

She felt offended now, too. These were too many emotions to feel right now. She should walk away, but she couldn’t.

“Why not? What are their type?” she asked.

Marcy smirked.

“Not women with class and brains like you. You’re sweet, too. The three of them have reputations as tigers in the bedroom.”

“And you know all this how?”

Marcy looked down and then shyly looked back up. “I know people.”

“What people do you know? I’ve lived in Chance longer than you and it’s only been like fourteen months for me.”

“It’s true I tell ya. And, I wouldn’t mind it at all. In fact, if one of them asks me for some assistance in their office, I’m making a move. They’re loaded, too,” she said as she adjusted her cleavage in her blouse.

Adel had enough as she shook her head and laughed even though she wanted to smack Marcy silly.

The protective, jealous feeling was instant. It shocked her as she grabbed her bag. She had to remind herself about men like Hank, Leo, and Will. Well, maybe not so much Leo. He seemed more sincere in his ways. He always asked her how she was feeling and what she did over the weekend. Sometimes she wanted to make shit up.

She headed out of the office and nearly missed the sight of Levi Holmes coming her way. That damn jerk always seemed to be waiting for her, or showed up whenever she was on her way off to lunch or leaving. He gave her the creeps, the way he watched her and showed up all the time, but he never hit on her, or asked her out. He just seemed to want to know where she was going, whom she was with, and what she was up to. She avoided eye contact with him as she saw Steve, one of the guys who worked the construction department.

“Hi, Steve, how are you?” she asked. He smiled wide and let his eyes roam over her body. He was cute, but he drank a lot and from what she heard through the office grapevine, he screwed around a lot, too. He was that no-commitments type of guy, but still very nice to talk to.

“Sweet, sweet, Adel. The question is, how are you?” he teased, noticing Levi and how much the guy unnerved her. Steve placed his arm over her shoulder and whispered into her ear.

“You should really let me kiss you, Adel. That would surely send your stalker running.”

She chuckled and went to push on his side for him to release her but he held tight.

“Oh come on, Adel, we’d be good together. Your gorgeous doe eyes and shy, innocent qualities can find protection and security with biceps like mine wrapped around you all the time. We’d be real good together,” he whispered, his lips touching her ear.

She laughed, knowing he was such a gigolo, but as she reprimanded him and chuckled, she saw Hank standing there, watching her, and looking like he wanted to kill her.

“You are such a flirt. Do those lines really work with the ladies?” she asked, pushing away from him. She noticed Levi watching and then walking away. At least Steve’s acting got Levi to take a walk.

Steve looked over his shoulder, noticing Levi disappeared. He grabbed Adel’s hand and brought it to his lips.

“See, my sweet Adel, I told you that would work. Now make this moment perfect and say you’ll meet my brothers and I for a few drinks tonight at Spencer’s.”

She felt her cheeks warm and she definitely was blushing. Steve and his three brothers? No freaking way. Those men were wild.

“Not interested, Steve, but thank you for the help.”

He winked at her.

“You’re breaking my heart, Adel. My brothers will be disappointed.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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