Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 7

She shook her head. “Just a small unit in the window. It’s supposed to get hotter next week and I’ll be miserable if I don’t get a new one installed right away.”

“If you don’t mind one in brown or white, I think we have some overstock in storage from the last construction site.”

“How much?”

He smiled.

“You don’t have to pay for it.”

“No, I couldn’t do that. They were all paid for originally. What is the price? I’m on a limited budget.”

“Why is that? We pay you really well,” he asked. God he was so forward. He hadn’t a clue about struggling to make ends meet. He had money most of his life. She was on her own now and left home with five thousand dollars to her name. She couldn’t tell him how she needed a new dryer and was hang-drying her clothing outside. She couldn’t tell him her oven was leaking gas and she had to disconnect it because she didn’t want to blow up the small cottage she now owned. It was tough but she needed to be independent.

She felt the hand on her knee and Will gave it a squeeze. Immediately her breasts felt full, her nipples hardened, and her pussy was on alert. All from a simple touch.

She instinctively pushed his hand off her knee and scooted slightly to the right.

He looked insulted, maybe hurt, and she turned away.

“Adel, let me help you out with the fan. If you want to give the company fifty bucks to feel better about it then do it. I can get over to your place to install it this weekend,” he told her then took another bite of his lunch.

She was shocked that he offered and realizing how she reacted to his touch, there was no way she could let him in her home never mind her bedroom to fix the fan.

“That’s okay. Steve said he could help me out with any installations I need.”

He squinted his eyes at her and seemed pissed off. “Steve is not going to your place to help you with anything.” He emphasized the word help like there was so much more meaning to it. Then it hit her. He knew Steve flirted with her. Maybe Will thought Steve would make a move at her place. Hell, Steve would make a move on her at her place and especially in the bedroom.

She worried her lower lip.

“Maybe you’re right. Steve is a flirt and he could take me asking for his help the wrong way, but you wouldn’t do that,” she challenged him and tried to read his facial expression.

“Of course not. You’re our personal assistant. My brothers and I have told you numerous times that if you need any help with anything, just ask.”

“Of course, but if you’re sure you’re not too busy. I mean I know how you enjoy a lot of parties and social events on the weekend.”

He appeared insulted at her comment.

“Not this weekend. Helping you comes first,” he said then took another bite of his sandwich. She closed her iPad and then finished her lunch.

“So, any plans for tonight?” he asked.

“Just meeting my friends at Spencer’s for a few drinks.”

He smiled.

“Well, I could get that fan for you and come over to your cottage tomorrow if you want? It won’t take long to install.”

“Tomorrow? That soon?” she asked, surprised that he could get it done that quickly.

“Sure. How about eleven? Will that give you enough recovery time from drinking tonight?” he asked with a smirk.

“I don’t tend to drink a lot. In fact, I don’t like being around people who drink a lot either. It makes me uncomfortable,” she told him.

“Well, I don’t blame you. People sometimes act differently when they’re drunk.”

“Yeah, some people act like idiots and can be hurtful.”

“Sounds like you’ve had some experiences with that?”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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