Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 13

“You’re killing me here. I want to taste you, Adel. Let me kiss you and see if you feel what I’m feeling.”

He lowered his mouth closer and closer to hers. A few different reasons why not to kiss him entered her mind but only for a moment. Then his lips touched hers.

She felt his firm, masculine lips press against her own and at first she was shocked and scared. As his hand massaged along her waist and she absorbed the scent of his cologne and the feel of his muscles she began kissing him back.

But then her mind traveled over the things that had occurred in her life and the pain that Bentley, and her own father, had caused her and she panicked. How could any man love her when her own father didn’t?

She pushed against his chest and he released her lips. She covered her mouth and shook her head.

“Baby, please. Talk to me, Adel. Don’t fight this.”

She uncovered her mouth.

“I should have stopped you. We shouldn’t have kissed. I’m not good for you. You’re not good for me.”

“You’re so wrong, Adel. You’re perfect.”

She felt the tears reach her eyes as she pushed away from him.


She turned toward him.

“I’m not perfect. I’m not interested in playing your games. That shouldn’t have happened.”

He stepped closer and she stepped back.

He looked upset, hurt, and she felt badly but she needed to stand her ground. This wasn’t good. She was so confused.

“I want to talk to you about this. About that phone call.”

“No, Will. Let’s forget both ever happened. Now can you do that and fix the fan or do I need to get someone else to?” She held her ground and he looked her over. He ran his fingers under his lip as if contemplating his next move or the right reply.

“Steve is not allowed in this house, never mind in your bedroom.” He walked back down the hallway and she felt like crying. Hell, like screaming. What was she going to do? Will kissed her. She kissed him. He was one of her bosses. Oh God, she’d have to find a new job. How the hell would she do that? No one was hiring, and this was right in town. Damn you, Bentley. Damn you!

* * * *

“Okay spill the beans. What the heck happened between you and that sexy man Will?” Mercedes asked as Adel joined her and the others down by the water. Despite the bad way things went down with her and Will, he and Leo showed up and they brought beer, food to cook up, and a grill big enough to cook everything.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Why not? Is it that bad?” Mercedes asked and Adel nodded her head.

It was hot out and everyone was either in the water or making their way in.

“Well whatever happened it sure didn’t change their minds about coming here. I wonder where Hank is. He’s the oldest right?”

Adel nodded her head.

“He’s the one that doesn’t really socialize but works out a lot? Martial arts I think I heard Taylor say.”

“Oh, speaking of Deputy Taylor and his brothers, how did things go? Did they ask you out?”

“Oh God no. That is not going to happen.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because I’m too young for them, I work in the Sheriff’s office, and everyone would feel awkward. Taylor gives me the evil eyes whenever one of the deputies flirts with me. Then when I’m out, like at Spencer’s, and Kurt and Warner are there, they give me dirty looks and then they stare at whomever I’m with, making the guys feel uncomfortable. It’s like a silent message to leave me alone.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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