Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 15

She came up laughing and then splashing him. The others were carrying on and still shooting the water guns and even starting a game of volleyball. Will watched as Leo pulled her closer and brought her deeper into the lake and away from the crowd. His brother would make a few steps forward in the progress department. Will was certain of that as he slowly took his time to join them.

* * * *

Leo’s heart was racing inside of his chest. The feel of Adel in his arms was more than he anticipated. Her laughter brightened his mood and those damn big brown doe eyes did a number on him every time.

He held her close and then she pushed back. “I have to get this off. It’s making me sink.”

She struggled to get the sundress off and when she finally removed it with his help, he saw how well-endowed she was and how tiny and sexy her little purple floral bikini was.

He took the dress from her, squeezed it out, and tossed it to Will, who rolled his eyes, took it, and brought it back toward the shoreline to hang it to dry. That would give Leo some more alone time with Adel.

She was trying to keep herself afloat and he could still touch the bottom so he pulled her closer.

“I’ve got you. Hold onto my shoulders.”

“Leo, we shouldn’t.”

He pulled her against him and she placed her hands on his shoulders.

“We should. It’s fine. Nice and slow, Adel. We’re just friends having some fun, getting to know one another out of the workplace.”

She rolled her eyes at him, not believing a word he was saying.

“What, you don’t believe me?” he challenged, trying to keep his voice steady when he felt it shaking. She was voluptuous yet petite and feminine. She smelled incredible and her body was to die for. He could feel his cock harden and he prayed she didn’t feel it or she might panic.

“Did you know that my favorite color is purple?” he teased and let his eyes roam over her cleavage then to her lips and eyes.

“No, I didn’t.”

He pulled her closer.

“Really? Are you sure?” he asked as the water rocked between them and around them, adding to the vibrations of desire traveling through his body. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to explore her curves and sink his cock into her sweet pussy right here, right now.

“If I did then I would have worn my red one,” she said to him and looked away as if bored by his flirty comments. Will was closing in and within earshot.

“Well that would have been fine, too. Will loves red.”

“Red what?” Will asked, joining them.

“Red bikinis. Red lingerie, red thongs, hell, red anything,” Leo teased. She looked serious and pressed her hands to his shoulders.

“Whoa, baby, I was only teasing like you teased me.”


“What, you can dish it out but can’t take it?”

“Teasing I can take. Games, lies, I don’t have tolerance for.”

“Well either do we, so that’s a good thing,” he said to her and held her gaze. She stared at him, making him feel like he was under some sort of probe light and could see any indication of lie or ulterior motive. God she was so beautiful. She was making him nuts.

“No games, Adel. I promise. So tell me, do you like the new fan in your bedroom?” he asked.

“It’s okay. Not really my taste,” she told him and Will was shocked as he widened his eyes and splashed her.

She laughed and Leo felt it in his chest. That sweet rumbling sound of her laughter colliding with the beat of his heart. He was losing his mind.

Will tickled her and she swatted at his hands and then he stopped.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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