Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 21

He was shocked at her response. Usually when he asked her to do something she did it. What was she hiding?

“Why not? It sounds like trouble and if you’re in some kind of trouble my brothers and I can help you.”

“I don’t need any help. I told Leo and Will that.”

He slid his arm along the back of her chair. She was being stubborn and their concern seemed justified.

“Is it some ex

-boyfriend? Does he want you back?”

She swung her head around to look him in the eyes. He nailed it. That was easy.

“It’s none of your business Hank, just like it’s none of Will’s or Leo’s. Just leave it alone.”

“But my brothers are worried. I’m worried,” he added when she looked at him like he was a jerk.

“There’s no need to be. I can take care of myself.”

He couldn’t resist. He caressed her shoulder and leaned closer.

“But we can take care of you.”

“You? I’m not doing this,” she stated and stood up from her chair. He followed, towering over her by more than a foot.

“You’re not doing what?”

“Having this conversation with my boss.”

“Oh I think I’m more than that,” he replied sarcastically.

She placed her hands on her hips.

“Really? How is that? Because last I checked I was hanging out with Will and Leo, not you.” She went to walk away and something came over him. A possessiveness, a desire to kiss her, touch her, and be part of what his brothers and her shared. He grabbed her upper arm to stop her.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there. Plans were made.”

“With who?” she asked, seeming angry and it hit him. She was jealous. She thought he was with another woman. He smiled softly. “I wasn’t with another woman.”

She looked embarrassed and lowered her head a moment.

“That’s none of my business if you were or weren’t.”

“Do you want it to be?” he asked, pressing closer.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you care to know? Does the thought of me being with another woman make you jealous?”

Her eyes widened and he quickly added, “Because the thought of you with another man other than Leo and Will makes me really angry. Haven’t you noticed my reaction when Steve or even Levi talks to you and touches you? It makes me crazy. So don’t think for one moment that I purposely didn’t go to the lake with my brothers. I’m a busy man and plans were made beforehand.”

She held his gaze, those doe eyes of hers slowly pushing against the wall around his heart.

“I’m not some item to be passed around between the three of you. Leo, Will, and I shared a lot the other night.”

“I heard what you all shared,” he told her and then looked at her lips.

“I also know that you were scared, hesitant to start something between all of us. Friends first, I think Leo said. But you see, I’m not good at slow, or at making friends. When I want something I go after it. Some people can handle that and others can’t,” he challenged.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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