Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 25

ling cabinet for a file just to see her walk, her hips sway, and the roundness of her ass.

He cleared his throat, smiled, then turned around and headed back into his office. His brothers were there to tease him.

“See, she accepted. Now make sure this dinner is not just business. Make sure to talk to her and ask questions, get to know her,” Leo told him.

“Yeah, and seal it with a kiss. You’ll never be the same again. I’m not,” Will said as he glanced out through the cracked doorway.

“Oh brother. I’ve been on dates before and on business ones, too. I’ll handle it fine.”

“No, Hank, this is different. Adel is special. Remember that. We want her to be our woman. She can complete us. Don’t fuck this up.”

Hank gulped and he felt the pressure was on. How the hell would he not screw this up when Adel made him so damn nervous?

* * * *

Adel wasn’t certain about the dress but Mercedes, Marlena, and Alicia all told her she looked stunning in it and sexy as well as sophisticated. The dress was a cream, almost golden, color that hugged her figure to right above the knee. The classy bodice came up in spaghetti straps and the low dip accentuated her cleavage but didn’t appear overwhelming. She wore a small gold heart covered in diamonds that was fake but looked real. She’d fallen in love with it and wished she could afford one with real diamonds, but that was a wish that would take time to achieve.

She looked at herself in the full-length mirror, glad she found the high-heeled shoes that matched the color of the dress perfectly. With her tan skin, she looked amazing, and felt amazing. It was funny how putting on makeup, dressing up in a pretty dress with high heels made life seem better and happier even for just an evening.

The doorbell rang and she suddenly felt sick to her stomach.

What would Hank think of her dress? Would he find her beautiful and sexy or think she wasn’t quite as lovely as most women he dated? The lack of self-confidence hit her hard as she headed to the front door.

This was it, either the night would be successful and fun or a total mess.

As she opened the door she felt her heart race and pound inside of her chest. Hank looked incredibly handsome. He had on a red bowtie with a black dress shirt, black pants, black dress shoes, and a bouquet of wild flowers.

“Adel, you look stunning,” he told her and then leaned forward to kiss her cheek. He stepped back, handed her the flowers, and she welcomed him into her home.

She got a vase, added water, and arranged the bouquet.

* * * *

“This is a nice place you have here. So clean and beautifully decorated.”

“Oh, thank you. It’s small but it’s perfect for me.”

“Is it different from the last place you lived before moving to Chance?” he asked, coming closer to the counter in the small kitchen. He could smell her enticing perfume and his eyes roamed over her body in appreciation. Adel looked classy, sexy, and stunning all in one.

“I lived in a big house with my parents.” She got quiet as she came closer, grabbing her small purse off the counter.

“I like this a lot better. All set?” she asked him.

“Sure thing.” They headed out the door and she locked it as they left. He opened the car door to the Range Rover to let her in then hurried around to the front.

“This is a nice car. I always wondered what it looked like inside.”

“Why didn’t you ask me? I would have shown you, even given you a ride,” he said, looking over her body and the fact she sat in his car as his date. He was excited. He had high hopes for this evening, both business and personal.

He shifted the gear and took off down the dirt road as he made small talk with Adel. There was a lot riding on this date, including getting to know the woman his brothers were positive was the one. He on the other hand had his reservations. Why? Because he was a hardened soul. He didn’t trust easy. It had to be earned and even then he truly didn’t trust just anyone and certainly never a woman he planned on getting intimate with. That thought made him clear his throat. He hadn’t even gotten to first base and he was assuming a celebratory home run.

“So, what’s the game plan? Do we avoid talking with the Morrisons involving business or what?” she asked him.

He glanced at her legs. They were crossed and looking tan, toned, and sexy as she sat in the passenger seat. By now on the few dates he had over the years, the woman would be touching him or at minimum his hand would be between her legs.

He really worked hard at keeping women out of his heart and wanted nothing more than pleasurable sex when needed. When he looked at Adel, it made him feel like a jerk, but also wonder how experienced she was.

“I say let the conversation flow freely. My family has known the Morrisons for years and we don’t want to come across as badgering them to accept nor do we want to come across as if we don’t care either way.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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