Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 32

“Relax and let me in. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

She could see the honesty, the care in his eyes as she released a breath and held his gaze.

“Slow, and easy,” he whispered and then he began to push the thick, hard muscle deeper and she relaxed and let him in, feeling overwhelmed with emotion.

Leo and Will released her hands and Hank covered her body with his as he lifted her thighs up higher against his hips and began a series of hard, deep strokes. She ran her palms up over his pectoral muscles and admired the ripples of muscles, the dips and ridges of steel beneath her fingertips as he brought out another soft moan from her lips.

“Hank, oh God, you’re so big,” she told him, feeling every sensation. Her breath got caught in her throat on every stroke of his cock into her pussy. Over and over again he thrust into her until he couldn’t go slow anymore.

She held on tight and let him have all of her. There would be no worries about regrets or pain. That was for later. Right now she would relish in their connection and the fact that she was going to make love to Leo and Will next.

* * * *

Hank was shocked at the intensity of emotions he felt as he made love to Adel. With every stroke of his cock he claimed her as his woman, his possession and responsibility. He didn’t want this to be temporary. That was a first for him. He didn’t do commitments, and he didn’t string women along for his own pleasure, but with Adel, he wanted to know she was his forever. That she would stay with him and his brothers and complete their own family. He wanted what his parents had. He wanted to come home to Adel every night and make passionate love to her.

He thrust faster, deeper. His desires and wants and needs were fed by her moans, counterthrusts, and the way her hands gripped his arms as she cried out his name and came again.

“Adel!” he roared as he thrust two more times then shook, leaving his seed in her body and knowing that one day she would carry his child and that of his brothers.

He cupped her cheeks and swept his lips over hers. She kissed him back and they hugged as he rolled to his side, taking her with him and sliding his cock from her pussy.

“So beautiful. God, baby, you’re everything.” He held her gaze and saw the love, the genuineness in her eyes and he had that twinge of guilt or maybe feeling of inadequacy that told him she was too good for him. For the three of them.

He caressed along her curves, loving her body, the swell of her breasts, her firm, round ass that wasn’t small by any means yet not too big. It was in proportion with her body and the thought of exploring it next had him tracing the crack of her ass with his finger.

“Hank,” she gasped but she didn’t pull away.

Leo joined them, kissing her shoulder.

Hank continued to stroke the crack as he teased her lips with tongue and teeth, tugging on her lower lip.

“Every part of you will belong to us as every part of us will belong to you,” he told her and pressed his finger firmer over her hole.

“Roll to your belly, baby. I want to see what has my brother all fired up,” Leo said and Hank shifted back as Leo rolled Adel to her belly.

“I think I need a look, too,” Will said, joining them at the edge of the bed, spreading Adel’s thighs and kissing and licking a pathway to her ass.

“Oh God, this is crazy,” she whispered.

Hank ran a hand along her ass cheek as Leo stroked a finger into her cunt.

“Spread wider. Don’t tighten up,” Will told her and she tilted her pelvis up, giving Leo better access to her pussy.

Hank moved to her back, tracing along her spine as he kissed her shoulder.

“I love your skin. It’s soft and sexy,” he said and she moaned then lifted higher.

Leo was thrusting his fingers faster into her pussy as Will lifted her hips.

“I need in,” he said.

“In a minute. Our woman seems to like getting her pussy fingered as we all watch her ass rock back and forth,” Leo said then stroked a little faster.

“Oh God, Leo. Please,” she said.

* * * *

Adel was on fire. She wanted their fingers, their mouths everywhere they were willing to touch. When Leo pulled his fingers from her cunt and then pressed the wet digits against her puckered hole, she nearly shot up off the bed.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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