Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 36

“What’s mine is mine. Someone tries to take you from me or move in on what’s mine and forget it. You don’t want to know,” he said firmly.

Leo watched Adel hold Hank’s gaze.

Hank lifted his finger and curled it back and forth toward him for Adel to come to him. She hesitated only a moment and then walked the few feet to meet Hank.

Hank stared down into her eyes.

“Last night was incredible. No regrets, only promises of even better nights together. You’re ours now, Adel. Part of us. Do you understand?”

She nodded her head. Hank smiled softly.

He reached over her shoulder, under her hair to cup her head, and then kissed her, pulling her up against his chest. Adel kissed him back until Will entered the kitchen.

“Are we having food for breakfast or Adel?”

Leo chuckled as he Hank released Adel.

“I think I like the sound of having Adel for breakfast,” Leo said and chuckled as he saw her cheeks turn a nice shade of pink.

Will walked closer, and he looked at the table of food then at Adel.

“Or maybe we can strip her naked, lay her on the table, then eat our breakfast right off of her body. Maybe drizzle a little syrup along her nipples, then down her belly and over her pussy,” Will said as he trailed his finger along her body.

Hank ran his hand under her dress then to her pussy.

“No syrup necessary, her pussy is sweet and delicious enough.”

She smacked his hand away and turned around to sit down.

“I think we should sit down now,” she said and Leo, Hank, and Will chuckled. Leo looked at his brothers. He hadn’t seen them smile like this and act so happy in a long time. Leo squeezed Adel’s shoulders. It was all because of her. Adel was meant to be theirs and nothing would stand in their way of happiness.

Chapter 6

“You haven’t returned any of our calls. It’s been three weeks.”

“I’ve been busy with work and things, Mom. Besides, I wouldn’t return any of Bentley’s calls anyway. There’s no need for me to.”

Adel was standing in her bedroom trying to get ready for work. The men and her submitted the proposal to Credence and the team at Morrison’s company. If all went well they would be celebrating with their fathers and mom at dinner on Friday evening. She had yet to hear from Credence with any feedback but perhaps today.

She straightened out the navy blue dress she wore and stepped into the low-heeled pumps. Hank loved the color blue on her. She smiled and then heard her mom’s voice cut into her thoughts.

“Are you even listening to me? What is wrong with you? What aren’t you telling me?”

So badly she wanted to tell her mom about Hank, Will, and Leo and how much in love she was with them. Her mom was on her father’s side and despite claiming to want Adel to be happy, Adel didn’t think her mom really did want that. She allowed her husband to control her, manipulate her, and do whatever he told her to. That wasn’t the life Adel wanted.

“I have a lot going on, Mom. Work is crazy busy and then I try to hang out with friends.”

“Friends or are you seeing someone?” Her mom’s question surprised her.

“Oh God, Adel, what if Bentley finds out? He won’t be happy. He wants you back.”

“Well I don’t want him back. I don’t need a man like that in my life. One that can hurt me, abuse me, and cheat on me. No thank you. We’ve been over this before.”

“So does this mean you won’t ever come back here to visit me, or to see your father? He’s not feeling well.”

“You’ve been saying that for a month. Is he really ill, or does he just want to see me and tell me how wrong I was to leave Bentley?”

“You’re his daughter. He wants what’s best for you.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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