Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 41

As Will eased his cock from her ass, he turned her around and kissed her deeply. She hugged him tight.

“Life in the office will never be the same again. I love you, baby. You’re perfect and all ours,” he told her and she hugged him back wishing she could say she loved him, too, but knowing she needed to take care of her father first.

* * * *

Adel was sitting in the meeting room with Leo, Will, and Hank going over some blueprints on another job and she was taking notes. Hank watched her and smiled as Will placed his hand on her knee for the dozenth time and she pushed it off, reminding him about being professional. He of course teased her relentlessly.

They heard the knock on the door and their fathers Harold and William entered. They greeted them hello and of course gave Adel kisses and hugs hello before they sat down.

“So we heard that another company has bid on the job with Morrisons and their price is twenty thousand dollars under your bid,” William said.

“Twenty thousand?” Leo asked and they nodded.

“What company?” Hank asked.

“I don’t know. They’re not supposed to say but I put in a call to Michelle Morrison. She was very impressed with Adel a few weeks ago at the fundraising event and so were her sons. Surprisingly even Credence complimented her which Michelle was shocked at,” Harold told them.

Hank gave her a look and she gave a soft smile in return. He didn’t like thinking about other men liking her and wanting her. He was possessive.

“I wonder who it could be. Maybe Delphi construction out of Charlotte? They’re pretty big?” Will asked and they all threw out a few names and then Harold’s phone rang.

“It’s Michelle,” he whispered and then stood up and answered the phone. Hank listened to his dad make small talk and then he got quiet and said thank you and then listened before he hung up the phone.

“Well?” Will asked.

Harold glanced at Adel and then looked at his sons.

Hank wondered why he did that.

“Ross McK Construction.”

Adel gasped and then she quickly looked at Harold.

“Well they’re not as great as us. They are new to the business in the last five years when two companies merged, but I hear they have been having financial problems. They’re probably hoping to land this job to gain some momentum to keep in business. I’m certain the Morrisons will give us the opportunity to come back and counter if necessary,” Harold said.

“Counter? At twenty-thousand less? I don’t think so. We came as close as we could. Those guys are cutthroating us. Who the hell are they?” Leo asked as he stood up.

Hank watched Adel as she stood up next.

“I can call Credence and see if there’s room to counter or if they are leaning toward this company or yours?” Adel suggested.

“No, I don’t want you talking to him,” Hank said and stood up.

“Hank, this is business and you’re being silly. I can handle Credence. He knows I’m involved with you and your brothers,” she said as she took her papers and book and headed toward the door.

“I’ll walk you out,” Harold said. She nodded her head and left the room. Hank listened to his brothers and their father go over other ideas and try to figure out who Ross McK Construction was. He didn’t know why, but he had a bad feeling in his gut. Something wasn’t right.

* * * *

“Adel, I’m sorry. If I had gotten that call ten minutes earlier I would have saved you from hearing it that way,” Harold told her. Adel shook her head.

“Do you think he’s doing this to get back at me? I mean I know he can find out where I live and work, but would he take it this far?”

“Of course he would. Even though the deal was with your dad and over marrying you and merging companies the man still had it bad for you. You took his control and power away from him when you left him.”

She looked toward the office door.

“I’m supposed to leave tomorrow to see my parents.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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