Dare to Forgive (The Dare 3) - Page 43

He stepped back but not too far. She was within a small reach of him.

“That’s right. Rick mentioned his concerns over your current lifestyle and choice of employment.” She immediately was on the defensive.

“That’s right. Your constructing company is trying to land the same job as Ferguson construction. Why is that?”

He eyed her over, and the door opened again. This time her dad was there.

“Adel,” he said to her. No hug, no sympathetic smile or show of apology. This was some sort of setup. She was mad and she immediately got on the defensive.

“What’s this all about? Why are you trying to land a job my friends’ construction company is bidding on?” she asked.

“Your friends? Interesting, I’ve heard otherwise,” Bentley said and she cringed. If her father found out about Hank, Will, and Leo and her sexual involvement with them, this conversation could get ugly.

“What is it you want? Did you bring me here under false pretenses? Mom said you wanted to apologize,” she said to her father.

“Apologize? I think it’s you who should be apologizing to me. You took off when we had an agreement,” her father stated.

She was shocked and felt the tears reach her eyes. She had been so stupid. Mercedes, even Harold, were right, her father and Bentley couldn’t be trusted and would only hurt her more.

“I’m not doing this.” She turned to leave but Bentley grabbed her arm and pulled her back. He gave her a shove toward her father’s desk.

“Your daughter needs discipline as I told you years ago.”

“She made a mistake, but she’s back here now,” her father said.

“I’m not back here. I came to visit because Mom said you wanted to make amends.”

“I wanted to bring you back to reality. Working in some shitty little family-owned construction company as a secretary fetching coffee is below us.”

“I do more than fetch coffee,” she replied.

“So I’ve heard. Perhaps your father would be interested to know about your three bosses and their interest in you.”

Her father’s eyes widened.

“Harold’s and William’s sons?” Bentley didn’t need to be specific. It seemed her father figured it out right away. His face turned red.

“You should have stayed here with Bentley. Knowing what he knows about your indiscretions, I’m surprised he wants you back.” Her father headed toward the door.

She was angry as she looked toward him and raised her voice.

“I’m in love with them and they love me. That’s something you know nothing about.”

He turned to look at her with disgust and hatred in his eyes. Her own father, the man she thought still could love her.

“You’re nothing but a whore. I’m done with you. Bentley, do as you please, the deal is still good. T

ake her.”

Her father slammed the door closed behind him and Adel reached for the handle to chase after him and tell him how evil and mean he really was. Bentley grabbed her arm and turned her around.

“You’re wrong you know. They don’t love you. They’re using you like they used the others.”

“You’re a liar, Bentley. You’re wrong and I’m going back.”

She went to turn to leave and he shoved her against the door.

“I’m not lying. They fuck women whenever they want. Against cars, in their offices, anywhere they please.” He reached into his pocket as she tried to push him away.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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