Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 5

“You’re such a sore loser. Just get over the fact that I will always be better than you when it comes to this shit. Come on now, I’ve been showing you up since Basic,” Tazer teased.

Warner laughed.

“You’re so full of shit,” he countered and they headed to get a drink.

“What’s next? I’ll beat your ass in that,” Warner said to him. Tazer knew there was no way he would let Warner beat him. This competitiveness got them through some tough shit years ago.

“So how is that sexy little number you and your brothers landed? Still sticking around?” Warner asked and Tazer laughed. He had met Eliza Grace once and then told Tazer how lucky he was to have landed such a beautiful woman.

“She’s doing great.”

“She hasn’t left you guys for younger men?”

“Screw you,” Tazer replied and laughed.

Warner laughed too then took a slug of water from the water bottle he had.

“And how is Mercedes? Still giving you a hard time about doing some mercenary jobs here and there? She seemed pissed off a few months ago when we were at that barbecue for Missy Ann,” Tazer asked.

“I don’t do much of those anymore. I stick to the local shit, or sometimes some special cases thanks to Somers.”

Tazer looked at him, squinting his eyes at Warner in surprise. “Somers? Shit, I thought he was strictly law enforcement investigation. Like violent crimes and stuff.”

“He is, but he gets picked up for federal stuff. Sometimes he needs a little extra insight into things. I help him out here and there.”

Tazer nodded his head. “You working on anything now with him?”

Warner chuckled. “Funny that you ask. Seems there’s some small connections or similarities to that case you and your brother were involved in.”

Tazer’s chest tightened. He still wasn’t over how close Eliza Grace and Missy Ann came to being raped and killed. He would remember those events leading up to their abduction. Hell, Missy Ann was still struggling and it had been nearly four months since the incident.

“What similarities?” he asked.

“Somers came across some information from a snitch he tossed. The guy was trying to get out of being charged with assault and stealing money from some federal agents working undercover. It was a big mess. But when they interrogated him he started talking about the things he knew, you know, pleading his case to get off.”

“He have anything good for you guys?” Tazer asked. Completely in investigative mode.

“Some shit that connected to those guys Si, Vic, and Daville that you and the two Connelly brothers were investigating. Seems their little prostitution ring was taken over or at least some shithead in New York is trying to do that.”

“Any names?”

Warner chuckled.

“I had a feeling you might be interested. I don’t have much right now and my services aren’t quite needed yet, but Somers and I get together for drinks and shit. My brothers and his brothers get along fine, so we hang out.”

“You hang out with Somers and his brothers. They’re fucking nuts.”

“Says the man who was known as the bad ass psycho in your field.”

“Yeah, and what about you? You jumped out of fucking planes and till this day, cliff dive with a parachute to capture the enemy.”

Warner laughed. “You were right by my side doing that shit only two years ago.”

Tazer smirked.

Warner got serious again.

“I don’t have names yet, but I told Somers that I wanted to be involved and kept abreast of the situation. He knows about what happened to Eliza Grace, and about Missy Ann. How is she doing? Any better than when we saw her at the barbecue?” Warner asked.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025