Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 8

“I’m Billy, the youngest brother,” he said and stared at her lips and then her eyes. She felt an instant attraction to him, and damn it, he seemed to feel it too as he remained holding her hand and then brought it to his lips to kiss.

“My pleasure to finally meet you, Missy Ann,” he said.

She nibbled her bottom lip and then the other brother took her hand.

“It’s nice to meet you finally, Missy Ann,” he said and nodded to her. She felt the same tingling sensation travel from her hand to her arm, but this brother—Antonio, they said his name was—seemed way serious and sort of intriguing for some reason. Maybe it was the way he carried himself. Or perhaps the fact he had such black hair, dark eyes and even wore a black dress shirt with designer jeans. He seemed a little classier, almost arrogant.

“It’s nice to meet you both, too. I had no idea I was going to be meeting Finn and Salvatore’s brothers tonight. So this is your restaurant?” she asked them.

“Amongst other things,” Salvatore said and she wondered what he meant but then Finn pulled her closer and kept a hand on her waist.

“How about a drink while we wait for our table?” he asked her.

“Wait? Seriously, Finn?” Antonio said to him and Finn smirked.

“I’d like to show Missy Ann the tiki bar and the view of the water,” he added.

“We can do that, if she so pleases. I have the table by water, dock side in the corner where we usually entertain our personal guests.”

When Antonio said that she couldn’t help but wonder if those guests were women and what exactly they did with them. That uneasy, insecure feeling began to surface. Her insecurities about what level of interest Salvatore and Finn had in her just raised up again even though only a short time ago she wondered what it would feel like to be kissed by them, and to be their woman.

“Join us,” Salvatore said to Antonio and Billy.

Finn held her hand and Salvatore remained close by as they walked toward the bar and the live band. Salvatore pulled out a stool for her to sit on as his brothers ordered drinks and ordered her a glass of Chardonnay. It was odd, but as she asked for the glass of wine she noticed Antonio looking at her as if she were trying to be sophisticated or was knowledgeable of wines. It made her feel out of sorts or more so out of his league. Could he be a bit arrogant?

Her mind scrabbled to figure out what type of man he was as they sat there talking.

He was older, had a hard firm expression like Finn always seemed to have, and he seemed distrusting. Well, join the club, mister, because I’m pretty distrusting, too.

She was grateful for Salvatore’s hand on her shoulder and Finn’s hand on her knee as he took the seat next to her.

She listened as they discussed the restaurant, the new storefronts being built further down, and the start of a small set of town homes on the waterfront. She took the time to compare the men’s features while noticing the similarities as well as the differences in them. Billy gave her a wink or a smile often, seeming more sociable and calm than all the brothers, while Antonio seemed to look at her as if through a microscope.

* * * *

Antonio was pleasantly surprised at the gorgeous young woman in front of him. He knew his brothers were paying special interest to a certain woman and that they both wanted him and Billy to meet her. He asked Billy if he knew anything about this woman, and if Salvatore and Finn had checked her out, did some investigating into her to ensure she wasn’t some bitch on the prowl. They were all worth a lot of money. Although Finn and Salvatore had a smaller share in the businesses and properties they owned, they were still well off.

Sophia tried to pull the wool over their eyes. She wasn’t as young, or as strikingly beautiful as Missy Ann, but that didn’t mean shit. Women couldn’t be trusted.

He took a sip from his martini and looked her over. Despite the sweater she wore, he could tell she was well endowed and seemed to hide her body. If the skirt she wore weren’t so slim fitting, he wouldn’t be able to tell she had a nice figure. But he knew his brothers well. There were certain characteristics that stood out to them. To the four of them when they shared women. His heart hammered inside of his chest. Were they sleeping with her? Was she interested in a ménage or having the experience of one? Hell, he’d help his brothers fulfill the young woman’s fantasies.

His gut tightened. It didn’t feel right. Why was he acting like a dick and thinking with his dick? His brothers liked this woman and wanted them to meet her for a reason. Finn said it was Salvatore’s idea. Salvatore who had been the one hurt the most by Sophia and her lying manipulative ways even though it was Antonio she tried to destroy with those lies.

“So, Missy Ann, what do you do for a living?” Billy asked her.

Antonio saw her face go flush and she looked embarrassed. Surely the woman worked. What the hell were his brothers thinking? Or maybe they were only thinking with their cocks. The woman didn’t work to support herself, what the hell was she after? Hello? He felt his anger get to him.

“She’s in between jobs right now. She’s been going on some interviews but they haven’t worked out,” Salvatore said and he caressed her shoulder.

His brothers were pampering her, catering to her with affection and care. It was like they were walking on eggshells around her. Who was this woman? Did she have something on them already?

“Well, what exactly are you looking for as a job? You’ve finished college, I presume?” Antonio asked with an attitude and he knew he affected her. Her face flushed and she seemed shy, inexperienced. Perhaps his brothers found that attractive and she played it up? He didn’t trust anyone and especially women.

“I have my MBA and a degree in hotel and restaurant management. I’ve been looking into jobs with anything pertaining to managing hotels, upscale restaurants, and even business firms dealing in the hotel and restaurant industry.”

He was shocked that she had her MBA and what her interests were. If she had done any research on them, perhaps it was their business she was after?

“Interesting. What other credentials do you have?” he pushed.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025