Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 32

“What? Who is he? What does he want?” Finn asked.

“I don’t know. But I’m not leaving this up to coincidence after what happened to Missy Ann and Eliza Grace. This may have nothing to do with Si and the shit that went down. It could be just other scumbags trying to make money from an organized prostitution ring. I’m considering doing a little more digging tomorrow. You in for it?”

“Yeah, I’m in. I need until about noon time, though,” Finn said to him.

“Noon time?” he pushed.

“Yeah, my brothers and I have plans.”

“Tell me that Missy Ann is with you at your place and finally accepting you guys?”

“We’re working on it, and yes.”

“Damn, that’s great news. I’ll let you get back to the fun convincing part. We’ll talk tomorrow and see what this dick wants in Chance.”

“Sounds good. Maybe send me a picture of him so if I come across him I know to keep an eye out.”

“You bet. Later.”


Finn disconnected the call and then felt that sick, uneasy feeling in his gut. What was this guy up to? Why was he snooping around Chance? Was he after another agent or trying to locate someone in particular? Too many questions went through his mind and really they were assumptions and worse scenarios. Perhaps he and Tazer would get more answers tomorrow.

Billy came down the stairs holding Missy Ann’s hand. She looked gorgeous and like she was feeling better. His brothers were in a panic over her feeling pain earlier, but obviously the bath helped.

“Hey, gorgeous,” Finn said and she smiled wide and went to him. He pulled her close and kissed her deeply. “You smell good,” he whispered and she hugged him tight.

“I guess Antonio likes to take baths.”

He chuckled.

“He doesn’t like people to know that but he does.”

“They’re Jacuzzi baths. There’s a difference,” Antonio interjected, coming down the stairs.

Missy Ann smiled. “I think it’s cute that you like baths.”

“Cute!” Antonio scolded and Finn chuckled and placed his hands over her ass. He whispered next to her ear, “You enjoy teasing him way too much.”

She smiled and winked.

“Don’t get mad, Antonio. I like baths, too. Maybe we can take one together,” she said as she walked into the kitchen.

Antonio wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and nuzzled close. “Now that’s something you and I will definitely be doing together.” He kissed her neck and then tickled her. The sound of her laughter filled the room and Finn couldn’t help but to smile. One glance around the room at his brothers’ happy faces and he hoped for more days and nights just like this one. With Missy Ann in their arms and in their bed where they could love her and hold her close, keeping her safe in their arms.

His gut clenched and a warning seemed to begin to flare from within. Was he just being overprotective, or was that call from Tazer a warning of something bad coming their way? Getting to the bottom of it was priority, tomorrow.

* * * *

Salvatore held Missy Ann’s hand as he walked her around the house, giving her a tour. It was getting late, but she had asked to see the rest of the house.

He felt a little uneasy as he brought her to the basement. It was all finished and there were several rooms, including a game room and a home theatre.

“This is amazing. I can’t believe how huge your house is. Do you get to entertain a lot?” she asked him. Salvatore glanced back at Billy and Finn. Antonio stood by the doorway, not even wanting to come into the main room and near the long extra wide couch. It brought back bad memories and the beginning of the end of their relationship with Sophia.

“We don’t really entertain a lot,” Billy said and now he stood away from the couch as well.

When Missy Ann plopped down onto it and smiled, he wasn’t sure what Antonio was going to do.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025