Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 36

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Finn lay down on the couch and Missy Ann immediately climbed up onto him. The desire to make love to her next was powerful indeed. Finn exhaled in pure relief as she sank her pussy down over his cock and immediately began to ride him. He cupped her breast, and held her gaze with a firm, serious expression. Hers was too and then she licked her lips and lowered down closer to his mouth. She cupped his cheeks and kissed him, explored his mouth with desire and need. His heart raced. He loved her so fucking much it hurt and it felt incredible at the same time. It was like every time they made love or he watched her make love to his brothers it bonded them all deeper. He ran his hands along her ass and cupped both cheeks. He parted them and thrust upward, making her lose her rhythm. He couldn’t help it. She released his lips and panted and shoved forward, trying to counterthrust. He locked his mouth on her breast and nipple and she paused, letting him lead despite being on the bottom. But as he suckled and enjoyed every sensation he felt her shiver and then tighten a moment.

“Just a little lube to get this ass ready. Watching you get fucked by my brothers was wild. Giving all of yourself to Antonio and Billy like that. Fuck, you got me so riled up. I need you. I need this ass.” He slapped her ass. The sound echoed in the room.

“Oh, Salvatore. Oh,” she moaned, closed her eyes, and pressed lower over Finn. Finn gripped her hair and head and drew her down for a kiss. The move had her widening her thighs over him as he thrust upward.

He heard her moan and felt his brother slide into her ass then heard him slap her ass again and again. It was all he could take. She pulled from his mouth and he and Salvatore began to thrust up and down into her body. She shook and shivered. She held on to his shoulders and moaned and hissed, then gasped and moaned again.

“Fuck, I’m there. I’m fucking there,” Finn said and grunted and came inside of her.

She cried out, choking on her cry and panting for breath as Salvatore thrust into her ass three more times before he cried out her name and came.

Finn held her against his chest, caressed her hair, her cheeks, her back, and down to her ass as Salvatore caressed her, too, then slid out of her.

Finn locked gazes with Salvatore as he kissed her neck and whispered into her ear. “I love you, Missy Ann. Always.”

Finn’s heart felt like it grew bigger. He witnessed the love in his brothers’ eyes for their woman and he felt it in his own heart as well.

He continued to caress her, glide his hand along her ass, up the crack, then back down and over her shoulders. He squeezed her tight.

“I love you,” he said and kissed her forehead.

She lifted up, looking about ready to pass out.

“I love you, too.” She smiled and then turned to look for Salvatore. “I love you, too. I think I’m going to pass out,” she said and they all chuckled.

“We’ve got you, baby. Rest right here against me. We’ve got all the time in the world,” Finn told her.

She looked at Antonio who sat in the chair watching her.

“It’s okay now, Antonio? You want to stay here with us?” she asked him and Finn felt such emotion he swallowed hard to keep it down.

“Baby, it’s more than okay. For now on when we come down here, I’ll think of that sexy fine ass of yours hanging over the arm of the couch, and how you let me restrain you while I fucked you so hard you screamed my name.”

He could feel her heart racing against his chest. Finn felt his cock thicken from his brother’s words.

“It was a hell of a sight,” Billy added.

“A hell of a memory,” Salvatore said.

“Only the first of many,” Finn said and caressed her cheeks and squeezed her against him while she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

* * * *

“What is it? Is she okay?” Antonio asked as he sat up in bed. Finn was holding Missy Ann in his arms. She was moaning, sort of crying and shaking in her sleep.

“She’s having a nightmare.”

“What do we do?” he asked and lowered back against her and kissed her shoulder and caressed her hip.

“Just hold her and hope it passes,” Finn said, looking angry and serious with his eyes squinted and his lips tight and firm.

“She’s had these since the abduction and attack? Isn’t the therapist helping her?” Antonio asked, feeling out of control, like he couldn’t help her and he didn’t like this feeling one bit.

“I think she’s helping her. From what Missy Ann shared with Salvatore and me, she used to hardly sleep at all. She’s come a long way,” Finn told him and he kissed her forehead and whispered to her. “Easy, baby, we’ve got you. You’re safe.”

Missy Ann scrunched her eyes and then began to move side to side like she was struggling to get free. She cried out and jerked forward, gasping for air.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025