Town of Chance: Attacking Innocence (The Dare 8) - Page 48

“Drugs,” she whispered.

“She’s going into shock. Here are the paramedics,” Tazer said to them.

“What drugs?” Salvatore asked her.

“They shot me with drugs to get me here. I feel them again,” she said and then closed her eyes. She could hear bits and pieces of w

hat was going on. They were arguing with the paramedics. No, with Lynch and Tazer to step away from her. The second she felt them let go she cried out. “No. I need you. Don’t leave me. Don’t leave me ever again,” she said and then she felt something else prick her arm and then her body became relaxed and her eyes closed softly. I’m dying. I’m dying. I’m dead.


Missy Ann inhaled sharply as she awoke from a nightmare. She was gasping for breath, the pain in her side lighter than ever, the fear in her still strong and fierce.

“Easy, baby. You’re okay. Easy,” Finn said to her. He caressed her hair and helped her lay back down in bed. She felt the perspiration on her brow and Salvatore was there to wipe it away with a washcloth and then press kisses to her skin.

She blinked her eyes and looked for Billy and Antonio. They were there, too. She exhaled in relief and reached for them. Antonio covered her thigh with his hand and Billy pressed his hand to her other thigh. She was surrounded by them. They never left her side. One of them was always there with her and all of them were at night when she slept. It hadn’t been easy. But she was getting better.

She felt Finn’s hand over her belly. “You’re okay now?” he asked. She wore a T-shirt that was lifted to her thighs right before her mound. She held his gaze and shook her head. He squinted with concern.

“I need you. All of you. Please,” she begged of him and he gave a soft smile.

“Always, baby. Whatever you need, we’re there for you,” he told her and leaned over to kiss her lips. She ran her fingers through his hair and kissed him back as the others moved around them.

He lifted her up and scooted lower on the bed. He finagled his boxers off of him and as she lifted up Salvatore pulled her T-shirt up over her head.

It felt so good to have their hands on her. To feel their touch and know she was safe and not caught in the nightmares.

She eased down over his cock as he gently lifted her hips. She exhaled. He moaned.

Salvatore cupped her breast and leaned closer. “So beautiful,” he said and she watched him suckle part of her breast into his mouth and twirl his tongue around it.

She felt her cream drip and then hands on her hips behind her. A nibble to her shoulder then a finger of cool liquid to her anus, she knew it was Antonio.

“Sweet, beautiful, Missy Ann. I adore you,” he said and kissed her shoulder as he eased fingers into her ass. She moaned and shoved, needing him inside of her and also Salvatore, too.

Billy cupped her breast on the other side and as she turned to look at him Salvatore was gripping her hair and directing her mouth toward his cock.

“I need you.”

She immediately lowered and drew him in. She sucked his cock into her mouth and they began to set a pace. Finn thrust up and down, she bobbed her head up and down on Salvatore, and Antonio pulled fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. They all moaned together.

It was heaven as they made love to her slowly, passionately. Every day they told her how they cherished her and loved her. They promised to protect her and keep her safe all the time. They were patient and loving and she adored them with all her heart.

She felt Antonio grip her hips hard and then come inside of her. He kissed along her spine and then spanked her ass as he pulled out of her. His brothers chuckled, and then Billy took his place. Before he stroked his cock into her ass, he leaned over her side and kissed her scar. She needed multiple surgeries to repair the damage, but her ribs had taken the brunt of the bullet. She was fully healed, and had the best care ever thanks to her men.

She felt the tears fill her eyes as she realized the power and the intensity of their love for one another. Billy slid his cock into her ass and squeezed her hips. “I love you, baby. Always,” he said.

She suckled hard and Salvatore grabbed her head and pumped his hips, releasing his seed into her mouth. She licked him clean and then panted for breath as Finn and Billy began to compete thrust for thrust. She was moaning and thrusting back when she felt her body explode in pleasure. Finn and Billy followed and they eased from her body and held her in their arms.

She lay there feeling sedated, well loved, and cherished. She would do anything for her four men. She would fight for them, she would die for them, as they would do for her. As she closed her eyes and relished the aftermath of their lovemaking, she thought about how far they had come. She had been a victim of violence, yet somewhere in that chaotic, scary time of her life, she was rescued by Finn and Salvatore. She grew to love them and gave her that innocence that had been attacked and nearly taken from her. She learned to trust them and when she met Billy and Antonio she knew she could love them, too. The need to make them happy, to help them heal from their pasts and to see her as a new beginning, just as she saw them as her beginning, meant everything. They were her protectors and she was theirs. True love has the power to overcome anything.


Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The Dare Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025