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Their Blue-Collar Girl (The American Soldier Collection 4)

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“I was and Andy said that this place serves the best ice cream. It’s better than the Carvel place down the road,” Ben added and Trevor laughed.

“Andy is right about that. I used to eat ice cream at this place when I was a kid. It’s the best,” Dante told them as they enjoyed the dessert and the warm summer night.

“Aunt Lori, do you think Mommy is having a good time with Jasper?” Ben asked as he finished his cone.

“I’m sure she is,” Lori said as Ben stood in front of her.

“Will she be safe?” Ben asked and Lori’s heart immediately ached for Ben’s concern. He was worried about her just as Lori was.

“I’m sure she’s safe, Ben. Jasper is a nice man and you know that Charlie, Dante, and Trevor are his cousins. They grew up together. Even Matt and Andy’s daddy.”

“I know that, but is he anything like my daddy?” Ben asked and Lori had to swallow hard to stop the tears from filling her eyes.

“No, Ben, he’s nothing like your daddy. You don’t have to worry about Mommy. She’s probably having a good time right now and missing you a bunch. I bet you she’ll tell you all about it tomorrow morning.” Lori gave him a hug.

She locked gazes with the three men behind Ben and could see their angry expressions. They knew about her past or at least about Derrick chasing them. They didn’t appear surprised or shocked, and they didn’t bombard her with questions. She felt sick to her stomach now.

“Your mom is perfectly safe with Jasper, Ben. Did you know he used to be a soldier? He’s a Green Beret,” Charlie told them. That seemed to interest Ben as Charlie told him a little more about Jasper. The story even put Lori at ease.

They were just getting ready to leave when some man wearing shorts and a funny-looking button-down tropical shirt stopped to talk to Charlie.

“Hey, I heard Old Man Cantrell is having some trouble by your way. I hope he’s thinking about selling that land,” Steve Henshaw said as Charlie took on a face of anger. So did Trevor and Dante. Lori could tell immediately that the badly dressed man was no friend of theirs.

“What do you know about it, Henshaw? Any idea who’s behind it?” Charlie asked, accusing the man of being involved.

“Hey, I don’t know anything, just that the old man better sell that land soon. A lot of companies have been calling the agency asking about it. Some of them willing to spend a lot of money,” Henshaw told Charlie with a smirk.

“Well that’s his business not yours,” Trevor stated firmly. Then Dante took Lori’s hand and Ben’s hand and headed toward the truck. Lori was concerned that Charlie might physically fight with the man but she did as Dante told her.

Lori watched from the truck while Charlie, Trevor, and the man exchanged words. Then the man walked away.

“What was that all about?” Lori asked Dante as Trevor and Charlie approached the truck. Trevor and Charlie appeared angry but tried to conceal their emotions.

“Nothing to worry about. He’s a nobody but we’re worried about Tom a little. His land is definitely worth a lot of money and sometimes people in that business will do anything to convince a landowner to sell to them,” Dante explained as she helped Ben get up into the truck. Then Dante lifted her up to assist her. He gave her a quick kiss on her cheek and she smiled.

Charlie and Trevor got into the truck next and neither man smiled.

“J.R. said he’s conducting an investigation, maybe he should question that guy?” Lori suggested, and Charlie smiled.

“You’re on a first-name basis with our local sheriff, huh?” he asked, jokingly trying to change the subject. Lori got the message and laughed.

They dropped Ben off to her parents at the house where he hugged Lori, Trevor, Dante, and Charlie good-night then went inside with Diana.

“How about a walk down by the water?” Trevor asked, and Lori agreed as they grabbed a blanket and some flashlights.

They headed across the field and down toward the stream where the moonlight shone across the sparkling water and along the bank.

“It’s a great night, perfect,” Charlie said as he spread out the blanket then took a seat. He opened his thighs and patted the spot between his legs. Dante and Trevor offered her a hand to sit. She placed one hand into Trevor’s and one into Dante’s and then she lowered to the blanket taking a seat between Charlie’s legs.

Charlie undid the braid in her hair and ran his fingers through the strands.

“You should wear your hair down more often. You’re beautiful,” Trevor said then leaned over and placed a hand against her cheek, right before he kissed her.

They smiled at one another as he pulled back.

She stared out toward the night sky, amazed by the beautiful evening and how comfortable she felt sitting here with Dante, Trevor, and Charlie.

Charlie wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her back against his chest.

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