Her Lucky Number Thirteen (The American Soldier Collection 13) - Page 13

“Do you think she’s a flight risk once we land?” Cosivan asked him.

“I don’t believe so. We were close, once, and hearing her father’s order over the phone and reassurance helped. Plus, she knows who Nicolai is. She wouldn’t go against him,” Boian replied and then looked back at Nalia. She was watching them with hooded eyes. She didn’t trust them despite them being here to protect her.

“That was years ago, Boian. She’s older, more mature and more experienced in life.”

“She needs me. She needs all of us.”

Cosivan took a deep breath and exhaled.

“I’m trying to determine the best location for the hideout. Storm assures me that their friends have a definite secure location and that no one will ask any questions. We don’t even need to leave the house. Supplies will be delivered as needed. Plus, Aspen will be nearby along with her men.”

“Whatever you think. You’re our leader. I respect your decisions.”

“I think someone needs to keep a clear head here. We’re not out of danger.”

Boian squinted his eyes at him. “I’m keeping a very clear head.”

“Are you?” he asked, raising one of his eyebrows up at Boian.

Boian ran his fingers through his hai

r and then massaged the back of his neck.

“I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect her. I’m never leaving her side again. Never,” he told him and then stood up and walked back over to Nalia.

Cosivan locked gazes with her, his expression firm and protective of his brother. She wasn’t one of them. She wasn’t part of the family because Karlicov didn’t want her to be. He hoped his brother would be careful. This was a serious time and a blood war could take place wherever Nalia was located.

* * * *

Nalia gasped, went to jump up from her seat and Viktor held on to her.

“You’re okay. You’re safe,” he said firmly with his hand over her belly and hip. She blinked her eyes open and licked her lips before she swallowed hard and cringed.

“Here, take a sip of this.” He offered her a bottle of water. She reached for it with shaking hands and he covered her hands and helped her to take a drink. His chest tightened. She was so scared and he knew it would take a long time until she wasn’t so skittish.

She looked around the cabin of the plane. He followed her line of sight straight to Cosivan and Boian and then to Chatham and Dusty who pretended to be sleeping. He knew his team members, and they were never fully asleep. “Where are we?” she asked him and then moved in her seat and winced.

“About thirty minutes away from landing.”

“I need to use the ladies’ room,” she whispered.

“I’ll help you,” Viktor replied and undid his seatbelt and then reached over and undid hers. He couldn’t resist sliding his hand along her waist and to her hand. There was just something about her. He stood up and helped her to stand next.

“I’ve got it,” she whispered, looking up at him with those gorgeous dark blue eyes. She was sweet, beautiful, young, and he carefully released her. She started walking and held her side then let go. She was being tough again. He showed her where the bathroom was and then walked back to the front.

“Should we check the wound again?” he asked with concern.

“When we get to the house in Salvation,” Chatham said to him and then he waited for her to emerge.

“What’s the plan, Cosivan? Will we be able to protect her there?” Viktor asked.

It was so crazy, but in these weeks that they searched for Nalia he learned so much about her. They dissected her past, her schooling, the job she worked at and had been offered a fabulous package at upon obtaining her MBA. She was smart, sexy, and had the whole world at her fingertips. He almost felt jealous, because she had the opportunity to explore her options.

His future was set for him. When he was sixteen, his father, Jordan, was murdered right in front of him. He didn’t think twice as he ran for his father’s gun, turned, and shot Turner Hanze. He was a big shot in the criminal world in their world of Russian mobsters. As shocked as everyone had been to learn what he had done, he hadn’t been shocked at all. He hardly even reacted. The anger at watching his father die at the hands of such a monster did something to Viktor. It had been his uncle, Nicolai, who took him into hiding, who taught him everything he needed to know about being a made man and a soldier for the Merkovicz dynasty.

Over time, his heart hardened and he was forced into another situation that made him have to kill someone he thought of as a friend. The trust was broken. He was broken, and he joined the military in order to evade being knocked off himself. Then he met his brothers.

He glanced at them as Cosivan talked about the house, the property he chose to provide security and a safe house for Nalia while further plans were made to handle Scarlapetti.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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