Her Lucky Number Thirteen (The American Soldier Collection 13) - Page 20

“Ahhh, I think I see what’s going on,” Aspen said and then took a sip from her bottle of water.

“Hmm?” Nalia questioned, and turned back to look at her.

“I understand that Karlicov had Boian train you at some point,” Aspen said.


“He cares about you a lot.”

Nalia exhaled and then took a sip from her water bottle. “He was accepting an order from his boss. Just as he and the team were assigned to me now,” she replied.

Aspen chuckled. “They have each looked over here several times in a matter of minutes. They don’t watch you like men who don’t care,” Aspen said.

“I do believe they care. They take their jobs very seriously and I’m certain it’s because of the dangers if they didn’t.” She played with the bottle and then moved to place it onto the table and winced slightly.

“Nalia, are you okay?” Boian asked. Everyone looked at her. She nodded her head.

Aspen smiled.

“You care about them, too.”

“They’re very kind and resourceful. I was feeling pretty fearful when I first met them. It was an intense moment.”

Aspen smiled then looked at them. “They’re not bad to look at either,” she said and Nalia was shocked. Aspen chuckled.

“Got it bad, do ya?” she asked Nalia.

“How did you meet your men?” Nalia tried changing the subject.

“Oh, a similar way to you and yours. They always looked out for me and thought of me as a little sister. Or so I thought. So while I was seeking revenge against a man I figured out was responsible for my abduction and near sale to a prostitution ring overseas, they rescued me. But not before I took down said man’s entire business operation and wound up abducted again and nearly died. It was pretty traumatic. But, my men are Navy SEALs, and they have connections,” Aspen told Nalia.

Nalia was shocked. “Some men tried to sell you as a sex slave?”

Aspen nodded her head and then placed her hand over her belly. “I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for my men.”

“But you’ve accepted them and they have accepted you, Russian mob ties and all?” Nalia asked.

“Well, they did have a choice of giving it all up and trying to live a normal life, but they worked so hard and considering my ties to Nicolai as well, it was a no brainer. I love doing business. I’m good at it and have been able to keep right on top of things here in Texas as well as in Chicago.”

“That’s amazing and you seem truly happy.”

“You could be, too,” Aspen told her.

Nalia shook her head and then re-crossed her legs. “I’m afraid that isn’t the case. Karlicov is the only family I have left and I’m not even sure where I’ll stand with him when all this is over.”

Aspen sat forward and put her water bottle down. “What do you mean where you stand? He sent his best men to help find you and save you. He purposely assigned Boian and Team 13 to find you and protect you.”

“Team 13?” Nalia asked.

“That’s their known name in the circuit,” Aspen told her and Nalia chuckled.

“Well, that’s just another reason things

wouldn’t work. Thirteen isn’t exactly my favorite number. It’s always signified bad luck and negative connotations.”

“How could that be? I find the number thirteen to be quite lucky and especially when dealing with a baker’s dozen,” Aspen said and winked. Nalia smiled. She was enjoying Aspen’s company and appreciated her support despite not knowing her until today.

“Well, I was born on Friday the 13th and my mom went into early labor and nearly died while delivering me. On my thirteenth birthday I found out about Karlicov by accident when he dropped off a gift, like he did year after year, and realized my father was alive and hadn’t died in a car accident like my mother always told me. It was then I was told to forget he existed because he was a dangerous man and if anyone knew I was his daughter then they would try to hurt me.”

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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