Her Lucky Number Thirteen (The American Soldier Collection 13) - Page 50

Her heart hammered in her chest as he dragged her along, limping from her sprained ankle and not caring at all. Anger, so deep, so dark, pooled in her belly.

I can’t take this much longer. I won’t let them rape me and break me down. I need an opportunity. Please, one opportunity to take them out and then I don’t care what happens to me.

* * * *

Night had set and the compound was surrounded by a dozen men. All Special Forces and Navy SEALs, all members of the Merkovicz family. Cosivan looked at Star Mulicheck, the leader of Krane, Luca, and Border. They were very lethal men. The kind of men Cosivan and his team respected and trusted with Nalia’s life. The fact that they were working together was rare. These men hardly socialized. They were warriors, special operations men who only did heavy shit like this when the family called upon them. Funny thing was, they lived all over the place and rarely settled in one place too long. They did have investments in various clubs and other businesses they had other people run. They were powerful, wealthy men and resourceful.

“Okay, Star, you’re running this operation, our woman’s life is in your hands. Are you certain the count of guards is accurate and all security around the perimeter can be disengaged?”

“They won’t hear us coming in. They won’t know we’re even in there until it’s too late. The concern is locating where Nalia is once we’re inside. It’s not such a small place. We take out everyone, no witnesses, no evidence left behind,” Star warned as if Cosivan and his men were not so experienced. It didn’t really piss Cosivan off. He would be saying the same thing if he was leader of this.

“No evidence, but can’t promise not to make these fuckers suffer,” he added and Star nodded.

He spoke into his mic.

“On my count of three, we begin,” he said and they heard the command loud and clear through their earpieces. They would be in constant communication so that when Nalia was located they all could do whatever was necessary to get to her. He glanced at his brothers and their angry, ice cold expressions. They were desperate to find Nalia and bring her home. Desperate to hold her in their arms and make this up to her. They let their guard down, and here they were nearly two months of searching, of longing to have her back and coming up empty handed with every search, and now they found her. Or so he hoped.

* * * *

“Take a sip of this. It will help,” Malayna whispered as she helped Nalia drink.

“Oh God, what is this?” she asked her. It tasted disgusting.

“It’s a bunch of herbs and things that help numb pain but also give energy to your system like a reboot.”

“Reboot? I want to lay here and not move at all.”

“No, you need to drink and be ready. Vlladim is getting impatient. I fear he’s going to try to touch me, or worse. I saw how Cornikup was touching you. He wants you, Nalia. We have to make a move and try to escape.”

Nalia’s eyes widened. “My damn ankle is worse.”

Malayna looked down.

“It may be broken. It’s awfully swelled up and way worse than yesterday. We’ll figure it out.”

She touched Malayna. “We’ll have to kill them,” she whispered and Malayna swallowed hard.

“Then I need a gun. This knife won’t do,” she said and showed Nalia the knife.

Suddenly they heard arms going off.

“Take this,” Malayna said to her and gave her the knife.

“Where are you going?”

“To try and find a weapon and see what is happening.”

As she turned, the door burst open.

Malayna stood up as Vlladim headed toward her and Cornikup stomped toward Nalia. They had guns and looked panicked.

“Cornikup?” Malayna said aloud as Vlladim grabbed her arm.

“We need to move. Now.”

“Get up. They won’t find you. I’ll kill you before I let them ruin my plans.” Cornikup struck Nalia across the mouth and then gripped her, pulling her up to stand. Her ankle gave out and she cried out in pain. She heard Malayna scream and saw Vlladim dragging her toward another set of doors.

“Fuck you,” Nalia screamed out and used both hands and arms as a bat and slammed into his arms. The gun fell from his hands and she lost her balance and fell to the ground. She saw the knife and gripped it but the boot landed against her shoulder and she fell back down.

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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