The Greatest Fight of All (The American Soldier Collection 5) - Page 90

They caught sight of Murphy and he nodded.

“Let’s go,” he said. The rest of the family and friends waited for them at one of the restaurants and bars in the hotel. They knew that it would be a couple of hours before they saw them and Waylon.

Brody held her hand as the security guards led them to a big, fancy locker room and then sitting area. It was impressive as well. Frankie, Waylon’s agent, was there to greet them.

“Can you believe that?” he asked with a huge smile as his cell phone rang.

“I have to take this. Waylon is in the back showering, Amelia. He wanted to see you right away,” Frankie stated then headed out toward the other room. He was scheduling interviews and photo ops for Waylon. She chuckled to herself. Waylon was not going to like that one bit.

“Anyone else need a drink?” Ricky asked, walking over to the full bar and grabbing a cold beer.

Quincy came out of the back room along with Jose and Diver.

They all congratulated them and they hugged and shook hands. Jose kept his hands on her shoulders as he stared down into her eyes.

“You’re an amazing woman. He loves you so much, and you helped him to win this fight.” He leaned down and kissed her cheek, then released her, and wrapped an arm around Quincy’s shoulder. “We’ll meet you all outside.”

“Go on in, honey. I’m sure he can’t wait to see you,” Brody said, giving her body the once-over with hunger in his eyes. She walked to the door and entered. There was a short hallway and then another door. As she walked closer, the door opened and there was Waylon. Hair wet, towel wrapped around his waist, and the smell of soap and heat instantly surrounded her.

His eyes widened and a huge smile fell across his face. Then he looked her over.

“What the hell is that you’re wearing?”

At first she felt her heart sink, but then realized that they really were very protective of what belonged to them, and she didn’t mind being theirs one bit at all. She twirled around then placed her hands on her hips, causing the material to press against her breasts and expose a bit more skin than she intended.

In a flash he stalked toward her wrapped her around the waist and hoisted her up against him.

He cupped her breast and squeezed.

“These belong to me and my brothers only. Now kiss me, woman, before I explode.”

She leaned up, and as she parted her lips, Waylon slammed his down against hers. The kiss grew hot and wild in no time at all and soon she was up against the wall, her dress lifted and his fingers were stroking her cunt.

The door opened and she heard the chuckles.

“We’ll cover you two,” Brody declared then closed the door.

Waylon pulled back and she cupped his cheeks between her hands, looking over the bruised cheekbone.

“You’re hurt.”

“No. I’m perfect because of you.” He stroked her pussy with his fingers and she gripped his forearms. The overwhelming need for him to be inside of her took her breath away.

“Waylon, please.”

He kissed along her neck as he pulled his fingers from her pussy and somehow pushed her panties down.

The towel against his waist fell and as she held on to his shoulders, he adjusted his cock to her pussy.

“You complete me, Amelia. I couldn’t have done this without you in my life.”

He shoved into her slowly and she released a sigh of relief.

“I’m so proud of you, Waylon. You fought hard. I love you, too.”

He kissed her again and continued to stroke his cock into her, joining their hearts and bodies, and ultimately sealing the night’s fate. He released her lips. They locked gazes and with every stroke, her love for him and for his brothers grew deeper and stronger. Nothing could ever break them apart. Nothing.

* * * *

Tags: Dixie Lynn Dwyer The American Soldier Collection Erotic
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025