Blood and Honor (Honor Bound 2) - Page 104

"Oh, Christ, Tony!"

"Something wrong?"

"I have specific orders about that. I am, which means you are, to have as lit-tle contact, preferably none, with the FBI."

"Why not?"

"Wild Bill Donovan and J. Edgar Hoover don't like each other."

"Come on, it has to be more than that."

"Congress gave Hoover-the FBI-authority to conduct intelligence and counterintelligence operations in the Western Hemisphere. Hoover believes that includes covert activities-what we did, in other words. But the President gave the OSS responsibility, worldwide, for intelligence, counterintelligence, and special operations, which means open and covert sabotage, espionage, everything. Since South America is included in everybody's definition of the wide world, Donovan thinks Hoover's walking on his grass here. And vice versa. Graham was serious about this. Stay away from the FBI guy."

"He's a nice guy, Clete."

"Stay away from him, Tony. That's an order."

"Yes, Sir." Tony shrugged. "But I really think you ought to see him, Clete."

"Maybe later."

"I told him I'd try to get you to meet him in the Cafe Colon at half past nine," Tony said, uneasily. "He said he'll be there."

"You mean tonight?" Clete asked incredulously. "What gave you the idea you have the authority to make appointments for me?"

"I thought you wouldn't mind, Clete."

"Well, 1 goddamned well do!"

"OK," Tony said, chastened and chagrined. "It won't happen again, Clete."

Damn! There's already enough bad blood between the FBI and the OSS. If 1 don't show up to meet this guy, it will get worse.

"Where the hell is the-what did you say, Cafe Colon?"

"Cafe Colon," Tony confirmed. "Right behind the Opera. (Buenos Aires' Teatro de Colon, on the Avenida 9 de Julio, is one of the world's largest opera houses.) There's a base-ment. He said he would wait for you there."

"How's he going to recognize me?" Clete wondered aloud, annoyed.

"He's got a picture of you."

"You gave a him a picture of me?" Clete asked incredulously.

"He had one. He showed it to me. It shows you getting out of a cab at the National Institutes of Health."

"Jesus Christ! The FBI's running around taking pictures of people in the OSS in Washington?"

Tony shrugged.

"I guess so. He had your picture."

"I'm going to meet this guy... what did you say his name was?" Clete said.


"I am going to meet Mr. Leibermann of the FBI, and as politely as possible let him know I am not interested in making new friends. And you don't ever do something like this again, OK?"

Tony nodded, accepting the rebuke, then asked, "You see the SS guy at your uncle's house?"

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Honor Bound Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025