Blood and Honor (Honor Bound 2) - Page 191

"Of course he does," Inge said. "That's why Werner is here."

"I don't understand that."

"You can trust someone who knows you know you have something on him that can send him to the gas chambers," Inge said. "What does Herr Standartenf?hrer Goltz have on you, Peter? Or is it the other way around?"

"I don't have anything on him, God knows, and I don't think he has any-thing on me."

"Then how are you involved in this?"

"In what?"

"I hope you're being discreet," she said.

"Discreet about what?"

Inge looked at him intensely for a long moment.

"You don't know, do you?" she asked. "God, I think I'm going to be sick to my stomach!"

"I don't know about what?"

"Peter, tell me honestly-look into my eyes-what are you doing in Mon-tevideo?"

"I flew Goltz here in the Embassy Storch," Peter replied. "In addition to my other duties, I'm the Storch pilot."

"And you don't know what Goltz is doing here?" she asked.

"Haven't the foggiest idea."

"You do know who Goltz is?"

"He's the liaison officer between Reichsprotektor Himmler and Parteileiter Mart¡n Bormann."

"Would you believe me if I told you that if one word I said about Werner being pink, or Goltz knowing it, not to mention about Jews and Sachsenhausen, got back to Goltz, you and I would be dead?"

"Yes," Peter said simply. "I'm aware that Goltz is a very dangerous man."

"I can't believe I have been this stupid," Inge said. "I simply presumed... How did you get out of Germany?"

"An Argentine officer, an observer with von Paulus, was killed at Stalin-grad. I brought his body home. And was assigned as Assistant Attach‚ for Air at the Embassy."

She looked intently into his eyes, and then he saw something in them. "You told me your father was a general, didn't you?"

"I don't remember if I did or not," he said.

"Is he?" Peter nodded.

"Where is he stationed?"

"With the OKW."

"All right. He got you out of Germany. Maybe he has something on Goltz." "I can't imagine what that could be."

"Then maybe Goltz has plans for you here, using your father in Germany to make sure you do what you're told."

"Aren't you being just a little melodramatic?"

"When I came here with Werner, Herr Standartenf?hrer Goltz told me that if I went an inch out of line, the next I would hear from my father would be one of those postcards saying Reichsprotektor Himmler desired to inform me my father had died of pneumonia in Sachsenhausen."

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Honor Bound Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025