The Assassination Option (Clandestine Operations 2) - Page 110

American Zone of Occupation, Germany

1135 16 January 1946

“Well, Colonel Ashton,” General Greene said, coming from behind his desk as Cronley pushed Ashton’s wheelchair into his office, “I’m really glad to see you. I was getting a little worried.”


Greene looked at his wristwatch.

“In twenty-five minutes, we’re having lunch with General Smith. He is big on punctuality. You cut it pretty short.”

“I didn’t know about the lunch,” Ashton said.

“You must be Lieutenant Schultz,” Greene said, offering his hand. “Admiral Souers speaks very highly of you.”

“That’s very kind of the admiral,” Schultz said.

Greene looked at Cronley, said, “Cronley,” but did not offer his hand.

“This is Colonel Mattingly, my deputy,” Greene said.

Schultz, Ashton, and Mattingly shook hands. Mattingly ignored Cronley.

“I understand that you met my CIC chief in Vienna,” Greene said. “Colonel Stevens?”

Cronley thought, Well, it didn’t take Greene long to hear about that, did it?

“We had a visit from the CIC in Vienna, but I didn’t get his name,” Schultz said.

“What was that about?”

“Apparently one of the hotel managers heard two of my people speaking Russian, and turned us in as suspicious characters.”

“He didn’t say what you were doing in Vienna.”

“I didn’t tell him,” Schultz said.

“So he said. He also said that one of his agents knew Cronley.”

“As I understand that,” Schultz said, “they were apparently in CIC school together.”

“Where they were students in Major Derwin’s class on Techniques of Surveillance,” General Greene said. “Which brings us, Cronley, to Major Derwin.”


“Major Derwin wants to talk to you.”

What the hell for?

“Yes, sir?”

“He didn’t tell me why, but he said he’d like to do so as soon as possible. What about today?”

“Not today, sir. As soon as I load these gentlemen onto the Buenos Aires flight, I have to get back to Munich.”

“Well, when can I tell the major you will have time for him?”

“Sir, just about anytime after I get back to Munich. Anytime tomorrow.”

Tags: W.E.B. Griffin Clandestine Operations Thriller
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024