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Virulent (Folie a Deux 1)

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I shrug as I turn and make my way out of our bedroom. I make a quick stop in the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a leak before I go into the kitchen. She may not be hungry but there’s nothing that’s gonna stop this girl from getting her morning coffee, so I press the button on the machine and let it brew.

I can hear her feet as she shuffles around the bedroom, then slips into the bathroom, followed by the sound of the shower turning on a few short moments after.

With the shake of my head, I decide to go into the living room and have my morning smoke. I’ve thought a few times about kicking this habit, but then we’ll go on a crazy little adventure and the toxins help calm my nerves. I light one and lean back in the chair, taking a long drag, letting the smoke fill my lungs. Today will be a good day regardless of what version of Molly I get because I refuse to let it be anything else.

A knock at the door draws my attention and curiosity. No one ever bothers to come to our place unless they’re invited, yet it seems we have a visitor. I get to my feet, deciding it’s best to take care of this before Molly’s done with her shower since I don’t know what kind of mood she’ll be in.

“Yeah?” I ask, as I crack the door open and peek out into the hallway.

Oh, for fuck’s sake.

“I’m not here for any trouble, Pike. I’m just here to see how my sister is doing.”

I level an even stare back into the steely blue eyes of Tobias, Molly’s older brother, and I scoff.

“She’s fine. Fuck off,” I reply, pushing the door closed again, but he sticks his foot into the small crack I’ve left, holding it open.

“I’d rather hear it from her,” he shoots back.

I chuckle and kick his foot out of the opening, push it closed completely, then undo the lock chain. I unlock the door but decide to leave it up to him to decide if he really wants to come in here as I head back into the living room and turn the T.V. on. I yawn widely before I take another drag from my smoke, flipping through channels to find something more mindless than him to drown him out when he starts talking again.

I don’t even bother glancing in his direction again when he walks in the front door, slamming it behind him. He’s either doing that to piss me off or get Molly’s attention, or maybe even both. I would have to honestly give a shit and I don’t. Tobias will talk to Molly, she’ll tell him everything’s grand, and he’ll fuck off for another year.

He takes a seat in the love-seat across from me and makes himself comfortable. I’m not entirely sure how long he thinks he’s going to be here, but as soon as Molly’s had her chance to say her peace, he’ll be lucky if I don’t toss him through the fucking door.

“That shit’s bad for you, man,” he says, waving a hand in front of his face. The smoke lingers in the room, forming a silver-white cloud of toxic air. I glance in his direction as I take another drag from my smoke and blow it at him, before stubbing it out in the ashtray. I didn’t do it for him—I did it for her since I know that she hates it sometimes too—even if she won’t say it to me.

I bend an arm behind my head and stare at the drama show that’s just starting on the screen. I have no idea what the fuck it is, but perhaps I’ll be able to pick up some tips for the next time we decide to go out and have a little fun.

I need to check our supply of magical paper.


I turn my head to the right and smile when I see Molls standing just inside the living room, a towel wrapped firmly around her small frame, and her damp hair resting on her bare shoulders. She looks so damn cute when she’s as disheveled as she is right now and the look of stunned curiosity on her face only adds to it. No matter how old Molly is, she’s always that lost little girl on the inside.

“Molly!” he says happily as he gets to his feet. I watch the scene unfold from the couch. He rushes over to where she’s standing, wraps her up in a tight hug that she doesn’t return, then takes a step back to look at her.

“How have you been?” he asks.

“I’m fine. Pike takes good care of me,” she replies quietly.

I smile, even though I can tell she’s uncomfortable having him here. She doesn’t like to talk about our relationship with any of the bastards that call themselves family and I don’t blame her. I don’t tell my family shit about us because it’s none of their fucking business what we do. We’re both grown, consenting adults, and what we do has no bearing on anyone other than us.

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